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  • yes OP you have right, but when you look in the evening than you see the 20 member and many new player.... i see not many ppl in the morning 9-11 member and 1-2 new player.... im online in the evening and morning of the day in the evening im online: 9-10 pm->2-3 amand in the morning im: 10-12 am -> 15-16 hehe^^ pls work on the v1.8 we need all this update.....pls [eek2] [659] [eek2]
  • which player from you or OP can say me or OP why have the VOID-MOD so many player or Berlin-Server.... i don´t understand this, i have play the VOID-MOD and i can say its big shit. But the VOID-MOD have everytime 50 player.... which player can say why this so is ????