Posts by wootmaster

    I'm having an issue where in 1.8 SP, i'm on the second, maybe third mission, where you find the rogue outpost in the cloud, theres about 8 fighters and 2 weapons platforms.

    I'm not new to crossfire or Freelancer, I play once in a while, every other year. I can say, however, that this part of this mission, I've tried about 12 times already, I die because those ships are firing about 6 weapons each at me and my one starmate. It only takes about 2 min for me to die, and it's just way to hard. For the second.third mission, thats ridiculous.

    That said, Vanilla FL is WAYYY too easy for me.

    Is there any way I can modify the difficulty setting for Crossfire? or anything anyone can suggest to not have them all shoot 2938478923423 lasers at me at once?


    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    when i have some time... that will be in several weeks then i will update the crossfire site
    until then my announcements on this forum and on moddb are valid which means that the download is available at the SWAT Portal download section just like all other downloads.

    Alright. So you said the announcements here and on moddb are valid - which means 1.8 is released and available for download. Moddb has no download links or direct DLS, neither does this site, that i can find. I looked for 15 min through most of the forums for freelancer, and have no "download" links.

    As I stated before, I think it would be wise to advertise such a great mod a lot more efficiently - at least make a sticky "crossfire 1.8 download & other info" thread. Hell if you want, PM/email me the DL links, and I'll make the thread for you, save you a massive amount of time!

    just a suggestion, you should update the very first post in this thread, so that people like me who want to download the mod and try it out can easily:

    A)Do that
    B)know that as of this date[insert date here]the mod is not available for download.

    You stated you would update the thread, but aimlessly searching through these 8 pages I found a link last night to download the mod, my ISP crashed, and today the link that was there was there now says "link removed by admin" with no reason or explanation, and there is no DL link.

    Also, I would suggest to try to update the main crossfire webpage, with the same information.

    I mean right on the homepage it has nothing about your new awesome 1.8 mod.

    Anyways, I'm not complaining, just making some suggestions for this particular thread and the main webpage.

    Also to ask WHERE I can DL this mod Tee-Hee.

    So...WHERE I can download 1.8, as there is no thread directly talking about this, and also on crossfires main page, there is no notice about 1.8 and where to download it, including on the downloads and news pages. ?

    seeing how people are saying you can play 1.8 single player, I was just wondering where to get this. Thanks!