Posts by Constantine Frank Hawkman

    Mina! Mina wa baka desu!
    Hai, mina wa baka desu!
    Porando-jin wa kawaii desu!!!
    Banzai! Porando!

    Ika naheshet Ti Leiude Isarian gerat...
    I do not wish to talk to You shameless people
    Ika - Achirik Enguzhei Mar Arazhes gerat :
    I, Achirik Enguzhei Mar of Ariazh command you:
    Get off your dirty hands away from the Polish People.

    Stop disrespectfulling them.

    Polish people are best (just to mention a few) :
    Adam Ma³ysz: Skijumping (look how long we was Number One of Skijumping)
    Robert Kubica : Formula 1 driver
    Joanna Radwañska : tennis talent
    Mariusz Pudzianowski : Strongman (The Strongest Man in the world)
    Bronis³aw Malinowski : Constructed a railroad in the Andes. The railroad is the highest one in the world
    Ludwik £azarz Zamenhof - inventor of La Lingvo Internacia (ankaux Esperanto). Li estis Pola, cxu ne homaj fekoj?
    Tadeusz Ko¶ciuszko - if You remember the U.S. cavallary fro any of the Westerns, then I am informing You, that that cavallary was formed and invented by Tadeusz Ko¶ciuszko.
    Jan Sobieski - just asking if You know why there's constellation in the sky called "Sobieski's Shield"?

    You're - just as I expected - bunch of immature xenophobes... Those quotes: "If South Pole is a member" or "Their RP will be pole-dancing" prove it very well...[/SIZE]


    Originally posted by Spiky-
    Well I don't know if Tusk is worse the only thing I know is that hose Kaczynski brothers make me laugh and are not helping anyone, however it seems they like to critisize Germany and the rest of the EU and honestly THEY DO NOT GIVE RESPECT TO MY BELOVED DEUTSCHLAND! So kick them OUT !

    They make you laugh? Is that so? You're offending the head of government of other country because they do not want the things he German Government wants to gain?
    Or is it because Polish Government have the courage to fight for best solutions and deals for Polish citizens?

    Do you know, that average Western male is seeking for a Eastern female as his ideal bride? Guess why? Do you know , that in United Kingdom or Ireland the workers from Poland are sought by employers? Simply because they're Poles. Being a Pole means You're working good and hard and that you have a large amount of knowledge about your occupation-related thing...

    Well, the Poles and other Easter nations should no worry. Soon a typical French will be living in the Muslim Republic of Algerian Cote d'Azur...

    Soon typical German citizen will have pointy eyes, dark screen tone, speaking Turkish way better than German. Also his name would be "Abdul"...

    More - in U.K. and Ireland most people will be speaking Punjabi and Polish. There will be no longer London, Glasgow, Dublin, Edinburgh, Cardiff but L±dzyñ, G³azgów, D±bliñ, Edyñborów and Kardiwaya...

    Polish President Mr. Kaczyñski criticized Germany? [citation needed]

    Also why they actually should respect a nation which destroyed their country because of the "Supreme Aryan Race" and "Drag nach Osten" sick man's ideas?
    Hey, wait : Germans killed our people, stole the most valuable movables available, yet are claiming estates they left... They should actually love Germany in any aspects...

    And Quoting Mr. Bush, President of U.S.


    [looking at the exhibition about the Auschwitz and Final Solution]
    Why we have not done anything? We should have bombed Auschwitz...

    No wonder the typical U.S. citizen asked where is Iraq or Afganistan or Korea or Vietnam will point the continent of Australia... Also U.S. shows us how to be a patriotic and honest people who tolerate the differentness of others.
    Let me look : Reservoirs for Indians (Native American) which land has been stolen by white people. Black Ex-slaves still discriminated in U.S. (for what Luther King was fighting for?)...

    By the way, speak proper English... There is no word "Deutschland" , use "Germany" instead.

    Talking about United States of North America. Where the heck are those Iraqi weapons of mass destruction? United States bragged their NATO allies from Poland into the Bush's Father's Legacy Oil War. And gave nothing in exchange.

    And now the ultimate question : WHY THE COMMUNISM FAILED?
    As possibly because of the education standards in most countries in West are not as high as in Western ones (for example Poland, Chech Republic, Ukraine), I will do my best to explain the mysterious fall of Soyuz Socyalistichnoyi Soviet Republik.

    Common people established this form of government and common people overthrown it.

    Also the Soviet Union represented how the central planned market should not work. The European Union have not learnt a thing from that lesson.

    Also the economy in Soviet Russia was that of the Industrial Age, or XIX century England...

    Then the Perestroyka came...

    Or better : look at Polish book for learning history.


    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    polish newspapers attacked germany and our soccer team showing cut off bloody heads of our players, claiming that [SIZE=1]p[/SIZE]olish players are 16 time more clever than german ones, photo edited pics showing our players in the worst possible cases,

    Like usually German Newspapers started the war. Manipulating the interview with Leo Leo Beenhakker. Leo was mad at German Newspaper for manipulating the interview and putting into his mouth words that he hasn't told them... Germans are like that. They start attacking someone then pretending they are not attackers, but victims... Esho , Miryam ... How do you Germans achieve such ridiculous lifestyle


    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    I give you a small lesson in what ppl think about your country (the current one).
    Most of the german cars which get stolen in german appear in poland or on [SIZE=1]p[/SIZE]ololish trucks before they can leave the country. [SIZE=1]p[/SIZE]ololand has a very high rate of corruption, a high criminality, a respectable bunch of racistic energy and an incredible arrogance.

    Well answer is simple: One German (OMGerman) talks to other German (OMGerman MDFCKR). Then one hits the other with car breaking his/her leg or arm. Then they collect money from health insurance. After that they sell the car for extra profit. But after the deal they'll simply pretend the car has been stolen by Poles... Just to collect money from car insurance. Germans are like that. Haven't You been reading newspapers?

    Acusing Poles of Racism while being a member of the nation which organized camps to kill Jews and other "Untermenschen" like Siddartha (Roms) and called them "less worth than cockroaches"... Funny. Poland has a long history of being a liberal country. Do you know why there were so many Jew people in Poland? Because they escaped from being burnt for "witchcraft" in Cologne.

    WTW? FTF sonny.