Posts by Forsaken

    We have our first real mod video. Please check it out and let me know what you think...

    If you have high speed then watch it in high quality.

    If not, you're stuck with the crappy inbedded video copy. :P
    <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

    They have more people, but not more FL players. They are a diverse group which focus on many different things. I'd venture to say most of the people over there don't give one shit about FL or the /v/ squabble. Whereas we are a group who focuses on just one thing/game.

    Thanks Trainwiz. Practically every single one of their starspheres in the trailer, with an exception of a few are from my mod, along with the nebula textures and other things. They were stolen from my 1.1 version of the mod it appears. The fact that they basically told us to fuck off afterwards is what really irritates me. WTF did I do to deserve this? I hope they enjoy it.... its at least 3 years worth of work in there, not to include several years of experimentation before that. :/


    If someone takes that X-wing and starts to create Star Wars Episode VII it is a copyright violation because it aims for making profit

    That is what I was getting at. Mods are purely non profit. I just don't see how modDB can pick and choose who it will and won't host. I'd say a large percentage of mods FL and non FL have something in their mod that is from a different source. Afterall, if mods had the resources to generate all content in-house, they might as well pick up a few programmers and be an indie game company. Afterall, getting a hold and learning one of the prepackaged game engines is quite easy (such as the Torque engine).

    I have icons from a different game but they're meant as a tribute to those games, I have music scores from other games too. Other mods have content based off of and/or from other games too (not talking about just FL mods)... but I was under the impression, since everything is purely non-profit, and for a players recreational use only... it is good to go. Apparently I am mistaken and with FL Sirius' removal, there is bound to be someone else who comes under the microscope too.

    This whole situation really stinks... it hits close to home because it is a fellow FL mod.

    It sorta befuddles me. You're allowed to take concepts and models from mainstream "big fish" and your moddb site is ontouched, but if you have models which look like concepts from a small indie game and use them in your "free for distribution... profit-less" mod, then you get your mod removed from modDB. :/

    Looks like they're establishing a precident by this. I thought modDB was for mods one and all. Now I don't condone blatant ripping of others works, heck, I've had my own ripped off before but what can you do? It's not like they're making money off of it. All I can do is be pissy about it. Having said that, I've taken stuff from mainstream games such as music and icons (I think thats it)... and have no qualms about it.

    I dunno, its a real grey area. And it sorta hits close to home since it is a fellow FL mod.

    P.S. I think the day Inifinity gets released (with all of its features) will be the day my wife lets me get a girl-friend on the side. It looks great, but after crawling over the forums, I can see how the carebears and fanboys are already trying to twist it... such a shame.

    I don't know how they got the models... Infinity isn't released is it? If it was models made by the Freelancer Sirius team which emulated concepts.... I dont know how that's enforceable.

    At anyrate, where does this put people who use imports from mainstream shows? What about people who take content from published games like SpaceForce or people who use music scores from other games?

    I see tons of mods (not just FL mods) which have content from various other places. I'd think there would be a lot of mods that would be deleted on moddb.

    I forgot about this thread. Thanks for the complements everyone, it is appreciated. :]

    I have more screenshots for your viewing pleasure. No ENB hacks were used... we done a lot of working trying to figure out how FL processes it's textures and making them the highest quality possible without making large 1024x1024+ size texture files. I hope you enjoy the pics...

    Battle at the Shikoku->Galileo Jumpgate

    Threeway Fight Between Bretonia, Kusari and the Guild

    Corsair Cruiser Limping Home

    Guild Battleship on the Hunt

    Thank you for all of your nice comments. Its very appreciated.

    Yes we have pirate/police style rp guidelines. They can tax, and do raids on lawful bases. We also have a conquest system where clans can fight for territory. Player looting, Kill bonus's and we are in the process of implementing a cargopod economy that allows pirates to shoot off pods of player traders and recieve a money bonus for each unit of cargo that was in the pod (if they have a transport ship, with them, they can then tractor the loot and sell it).

    nickname = lair_turret02ment\models\li_equip.matissile.3dball_weapon.cmpP
    ids_name = 263668urret02ment\models\li_equip.matissile.3dball_weapon.cmpP
    ids_info = 264668urret02ment\models\li_equip.matissile.3dball_weapon.cmpP
    DA_archetype = Solar\dockable\nomad_lair_turret02.cmpe.3dball_weapon.cmpP
    material_library = solar\nomad.matd_lair_turret02.cmpe.3dball_weapon.cmpP "

    Ouch! that isn't supposed to happen.

    [size=4]Shattered Worlds :: War-Torn![/size]

    SW:WT is something different in the world of MP Freelancer. Truly unique and original in concept, we have brought together Modders from over 6 different communities to create a very talented Development Team. Collectively, the team combined modding knowledge and lessons learned from numerous mods/servers, to overhaul the entire game, from the ground up. Implementing an innovative balance scheme, over 1500 new types of weapons/equipment/commodity items, over 60 new ships, many of which are exclusive to the mod. The Shattered Worlds::WarTorn DevTeam improved the graphics, FX, and game mechanics; pushing the Freelancer engine to its limits. The end result is one of the most balanced and highest quality Freelancer modifications ever conceived.

    SW:WT is a Role Play driven Player Vs Player server. Taking the best of RP elements and combing them with truly enjoyable PVP surroundings we are sure you will enjoy every minute you spend on our server and forums.

    Dont believe us? Need more proof? Keep reading.

    [size=3]Features of Shattered Worlds :: War-Torn![/size]

    There are just too many unique and exciting features to list. Dont believe us? Well check out the following to see for yourself.

    On top of this, we have the following currently in development;

    • Approximately 30 new ship models of various classes are currently in work and will be implemented shortly
    • Faction specific equipment designed by players factions. All faction items are balanced to fit within the existing balance scheme.
    • 3 Capital Ship classes and a new Capital Ship balance scheme currently in work
    • Starter System with a unique and realistic rep management system
    • Capship Encounters
    • Take Missions against Capships
    • New Planet textures for all planets ingame

    Ok, so you have read this much still interested? How about some Video Action to wet your appetite?

    Or maybe some Screenshots to drool over? Well check these out!

    Maybe a little story telling will get you fired up? If so Storyline of the Shattered Worlds Mod: The Backstory

    Its time to log in and enjoy what SW:WT has to offer. For a quick guide on connecting and enjoying SW:WT please use our;
    Getting Started: Everything you need to know to get on the server.

    If you are a new player or an old player tired of normal Freelancer mods, Shattered Worlds has something for you. Come, try it for yourself. When you undock, you will see the next evolution of Freelancer!


    The Shattered Worlds Community.

    Still not convinced? Even after all that? Well my friends, keep reading for various comments and feedback our Mod and Community have received.

    "This mod is really fun, I like the mining that has been added to the game, and how balanced it is!" xXkillaXx

    "With the vets I've played along side and the newbies getting into it because of the mod, it is truly an amazing community and product. If you're looking for a mod that is simply amazing, I really recommend this mod. It's simply the best out there." Robert Merlow

    "I'm a veteran of Freelancer. I've owned the game since it came out and sampled every major mod to be released. Shattered Worlds is in my opinion a triumph. Excellent balancing and ship additions make for a more varied scenery in combat, and the mining system is by far the best I've ever encountered. While adding a great many things to Freelancer, there's still a very strong presence of the original game which provides an excellent blend of the old and the new." Tio_Holtzmann

    Loads more can be found at on our page. [/size]

    [size=4]Shattered Worlds :: War-Torn![/size]

    SW:WT is something different in the world of MP Freelancer. Truly unique and original in concept, we have brought together Modders from over 6 different communities to create a very talented Development Team. Collectively, the team combined modding knowledge and lessons learned from numerous mods/servers, to overhaul the entire game, from the ground up. Implementing an innovative balance scheme, over 1500 new types of weapons/equipment/commodity items, over 60 new ships, many of which are exclusive to the mod. The Shattered Worlds::WarTorn DevTeam improved the graphics, FX, and game mechanics; pushing the Freelancer engine to its limits. The end result is one of the most balanced and highest quality Freelancer modifications ever conceived.

    SW:WT is a Role Play driven Player Vs Player server. Taking the best of RP elements and combing them with truly enjoyable PVP surroundings we are sure you will enjoy every minute you spend on our server and forums.

    Dont believe us? Need more proof? Keep reading.

    [size=3]Features of Shattered Worlds :: War-Torn![/size]

    There are just too many unique and exciting features to list. Dont believe us? Well check out the following to see for yourself.

    On top of this, we have the following currently in development;

    • Approximately 30 new ship models of various classes are currently in work and will be implemented shortly
    • Faction specific equipment designed by players factions. All faction items are balanced to fit within the existing balance scheme.
    • 3 Capital Ship classes and a new Capital Ship balance scheme currently in work
    • Starter System with a unique and realistic rep management system
    • Capship Encounters
    • Take Missions against Capships
    • New Planet textures for all planets ingame

    Ok, so you have read this much still interested? How about some Video Action to wet your appetite?

    Or maybe some Screenshots to drool over? Well check these out!

    Maybe a little story telling will get you fired up? If so Storyline of the Shattered Worlds Mod: The Backstory

    Its time to log in and enjoy what SW:WT has to offer. For a quick guide on connecting and enjoying SW:WT please use our;
    Getting Started: Everything you need to know to get on the server.

    If you are a new player or an old player tired of normal Freelancer mods, Shattered Worlds has something for you. Come, try it for yourself. When you undock, you will see the next evolution of Freelancer!


    The Shattered Worlds Community.

    Still not convinced? Even after all that? Well my friends, keep reading for various comments and feedback our Mod and Community have received.

    "This mod is really fun, I like the mining that has been added to the game, and how balanced it is!" xXkillaXx

    "With the vets I've played along side and the newbies getting into it because of the mod, it is truly an amazing community and product. If you're looking for a mod that is simply amazing, I really recommend this mod. It's simply the best out there." Robert Merlow

    "I'm a veteran of Freelancer. I've owned the game since it came out and sampled every major mod to be released. Shattered Worlds is in my opinion a triumph. Excellent balancing and ship additions make for a more varied scenery in combat, and the mining system is by far the best I've ever encountered. While adding a great many things to Freelancer, there's still a very strong presence of the original game which provides an excellent blend of the old and the new." Tio_Holtzmann

    Loads more can be found at on our page. [/size]

    Here is your problem....

    In your weapon_equip.ini entry you have this...


    nickname ion_gun01_mark01

    It is missing the "=" after nickname. Add it so it looks like this...

    nickname = ion_gun01_mark01

    I don't have a dog in this fight. I am a neutral party in this debate, but for the record...

    I have helped Discoverys dev team members in the past, and they have given me models for use in Shattered Worlds (so I could utilize DevTeam assets elsewhere instead). While I am not aware of the Discoverys dealing with other communities I cant recall a negative experience with the leaders of the Discovery mod.

    As a leader of a up and coming Freelancer community, and as a long time admin of the now-defunct Asgard server. I know how individuals from a community can go elsewhere and their actions reflect poorly upon the community. Unfortunately there is no way to force people not to go and act accordingly.

    The only grief I have with Discovery is the players who come to my community and expect me to change how I operate the server. This again has nothing to do with Igiss and his staff. I guess to change the perception that Discovery is uninvolved in the community, they should join the FLCN.

    I haven't really had any dealings with SWAT's Devs so I really don't have an opinion.