Posts by Forsaken

    Oh man, this is Argh's method of making SURs using Lithium Unwrap. Yeah this works and is less tedious than the SURsplicer method.

    @ OP -
    Have you tried using the Shrink Wrap exporter option? I could of swore it works (its been some time since Ive used this method). If I get time tonite Ill give it a shot.


    Originally posted by mknote
    1. My shield bubble seems to remain even if my shield isn't attached 8o. This is... annoying, because the shield bubble is so freaking huge that, when I try to exit the docking bay, I bump into it. The shield bubble doesn't seem to exist on wrecks though, meaning it's probably an INI deal, rather than a problem with the SUR.

    Aye, this is an issue with using the Shield Bubble exporter option. I cant recall offhand if Argh's method works using Shrinkwrap, hence my previous comment to OP. I've however used shrinkwrap with good success using other methods (like that tutorial I wrote, which was posted on the discovery forums). All of the other SUR's I made didnt use the a shield bubble b/c FL by default will use the hull sur as the shield bubble if there isnt a shield_link entry in the shiparch.ini or a big shield bubble on your SUR. I have a few examples for you to look at if you want... PM me if you want my MSN addy.

    Yeah that was one of my first experiments into SURs. That method definitely works (thats why I wrote that tut), I've done 80+ surs that way, but this method (Op's) has the potential to save ALOT of time and is generally less painful.

    I've toyed around with this method, but cant seem to get hit detection. :( I hope you remember the missing step. I'd very much like to use this method and be done with the SUR Splicer all together.

    I tried giving your method a shot OP. I must be doing something wrong too.

    When making the SUR parts in milkshape I left each primitive (box, cylinder, ect.) in its own group. And resized the SUR using FLmodel tool as you stated

    I can get the SUR to show up in HardCMP... but ingame, like mknote, I have no collision or hit detection. :(

    I tried different setting combinations with no luck. Hopefully you can refigure this out. I'd much prefer your method over my current method, b/c the SURSplicer method is too time consuming, tedious and basically a big pain in the rear. [7]