Posts by holmj2674

    Thanks for the advice. I stated in another thread why I was not playing MP crossfire suffice to say that it would burn to much of my available time. YEs... the AI for vanilla FL is food and I had not thought about the difficulty of an advanced AI in a starflier. It would be cool to start the SP mode with 200,000 credits ;-p. I guess I'll have to suffer until I can afford a better ship in SP mode or someone convinces me to play multiplayer... perhaps when 1.8 comes out.... but I'll try very hard to resist the urge.

    Hell there, I was just wondering if editing the prefoptions.ini to make the game easier would work in single player crossfire. I love this mod, by far and away the best FL mod out there... but it is just waaay to difficult for me. I did some reading in this was the best option I found for setting the difficulty of the game. If it does work... what exactly are the effects? It sound like enemy does less damage to you? But do you do more damage to them? Will the AI still use nanos and batteries? I think being able to survive in this mod in SP mode would add alot of depth to the game.


    @holm....why not join us serverside in 1.7 m8? With 1.8 on its way.

    Well, b/c I don't have alot of time and I am trying to stay away from gaming online after a 2 year stretch of playing Neverwinter Nights on various servers. I have a tendancy to get sucked into the game and spend way more time than I should ingame and with a wife and two kids thats not very healthy or productive. Offline I can pace myself and not get sucked into the game.... oh and gunny... if you guys can survive with the AI on this mod then I really must suck at freelancer lol.

    This looks like a good topic for this post. I only play sp freelancer and I greatly enjoyed your 1.54 mod b/c I was able to adjust the difficulty settings. With the newer releases the AI setting is so high I get toasted on a frustratingly regular basis by even low level opponents (Junkers on the first escort mission to maine) With Lancer Reactors sweep of the dl vault I can no longer dl 1.54 to install ( I recently had to wipe my hd and reinstall everything). If anyone knew where I could get a copy of 1.54 that would be great... or send me a pm with idiot proof instructions on how to adjust the difficulty of 1.7 myself (for sp).