Posts by w0dk4


    Originally posted by BG_Slayer
    w0dk4 i must say you remind me of the recent US president Bush ... you seem to share his same attitude go in all guns blazing and ask questions after no matter what the outcome!!!

    And why is it allways your name is see appear when the shit flinging competition starts ... do you not have a life? is it really that boring that you feel the need to come up with more BS? ... maybe you should try a change of Job or maybe take a nice holiday some where hot and relax your brain for a while.

    I know you sit there at your keyboard and think omg this SWAT lot ar brain washed by OP... well i can safely tell you this is not the case ... we all have independent minds ... and i for one don't kiss anyones ass ... so using my independent free mind i can safely say your full of SH**!!!!

    Actually, I am on holiday right now 8)

    Anyways, what I find odd is, I didnt even answer on all the accusations that have been done in the first post, yet you say that Im the one fighting here.
    Yet, my only basic point here has been from the start of this "discussion" that these sort of accusations are not helping anybody, which also seems to be your own point. So I find it odd you attack me based on that argument.

    Whatever Op.

    I came here to point out that there is another view on the whole matter than the Swat/Op view and that nothing is helped by having these sort of accusation threads Op likes to make.

    If you need to flame me for that, have a nice angry life, I dont care.

    You know, not really. If you would haver a closer look at TSP for example, you'd see that mostly everybody gets along with each other very nicely.
    The FL community in general is not that fucked up as Op likes to make it seem like.


    w0dk4 maybe OP was having a party at his house who knows.... just by the fact you come on here telling me and the otheres OP did this and that ... and you expect us to take your word for it? for all i know you could have 5 fake chars on the SWAT forum.

    Its pretty obvious that you dont want to believe me but nevermind. I didnt expect you to believe me anyways.


    Your calculations on server activity is obviously flawed since most people i know from 2006 except a few left FL to play other games and i sure haven't seen a sudden insurge of new players rushing in to the remaining servers .... numbers are down across the board ...

    ... yeah ok, my calculations are flawed because your friends no longer play... whatever. And no, numbers are not down across the board. Numbers are down on a lot of server while Hamburg City and Discovery have received a huge boost in popularity, having player numbers of 128 and 200 online users at a time. Like it or not that a large % is playing on a few servers now, but thats the reality and you know what?
    We (Hamburg City) are getting along with Discovery very nicely. Also, most of our work we did on the serverside tools is available to everyone, which you cannot say about Crossifre.
    So yes, I have thought about what Im doing here and I surely voice my opinion against the BS that is being spread here about TSP and the fl community in general.


    as for the IP match i seriously doubt that ... one thing i do know if OP has anything to say he will say it and OP will never hide behind a fake char and why would anyone that is passionate about somthing and there commenting on somthing they believe in.

    Well, its always easier to discuss when you have several "users" agreeing with your point.
    About the IP match: Back in the TLR temp forums, where I with help of the former admins exposed the faked accounts, OP said that they were his 10 friends/brothers all at his house posting from the same connection...
    (you know, 1 or 2 friends would have been okay, even if they were fakes, but Op seriously had 10, and im not kidding, 10 faked (ip matched) accounts discussing with me about how my Cloak mod is bullshit)

    You see Hawk in this thread? 31 Posts since 2003, not lurking (check online time in profile) and in right this moment decides to log in here and bash me randomly answering on a question that was directed to OP?


    Why would you release false information? I don't know, maybe to create the impression you do good work keeping the community running or to calm down the community.

    I asked Op this precise question, yet a random forum member answers me in this case? How more obvious can it be?
    Btw. Hawk was the name of one of his fakes at the TLR forums as well (ip matched).

    Anyways, I didnt mean to bring the faked accounts story up on that level, but what gives..
    I only wanted to point out that there is certainly more to the whole everybody-is-attacking-the-Swat-Portal story than Op makes it seem like.

    For the fun of it I want to answer to this quote:


    ) I do not think your server statistics show the statistics of all Freelancer servers because you are not able to know them all and since the list server is not working anymore you have no real reference to add servers. There are only a very few possible conclusions: a) You dont actually observe the full player count of the entire Freelancer community because you never knew all servers. The list server is offline so you can not get information from there and please don't tell me you got that information from your workaround. That one is not covered by all servers and requires manual activation. b) You have added all servers to your statistics by hand. If you have done that then I wonder if you got the permission of all the server owners because if not you violated law. Gathering data from servers without having the permission or knowledge of the server owner is illegal. c) It requires that the server owners go to your site to register there. That would mean that the data you collected is based on choosen servers and does not represent the situation of the community.

    Given that I queried the Global List server when it was still online, I really had pretty accurate numbers indeed. The servers I query today should actually be less than there are servers out there, since Im sure not every remaining FLServer is on the replacement listserver by crazy which I now query (apart from using the workaround data of course).
    Anyways, what that means is that it actually proves my point even more. If I cannot possibly know all of the remaining FLServer in contrary to the past, but the player numbers still dont significantly differ from those old player numbers, that means that my point is the more valid.

    So, who is talking bullshit now?


    Question remains who the ones are which run a vendetta...

    Did you happen to think about that TSP and/or Reactorforge simply dont want your help?
    If a co-operation doesnt work out because of personal problems, why is it so hard to just accept that rather than to make a drama out of it?


    Again, it doesnt matter if OP was correct or not about the best solution to be used. It matters that he got ganked for posting an opposing thought.

    Without knowing which thread you are talking about, Im sure he didnt got ganked because he posted an opposing thought. I do think he got ganked because of the way _how_ he presented the opposing thought.


    This episode shows a glaring lack of communication and lack of any attempt to understand what someone else is attempting to communicate.

    You should really tell this Op, since its not only an episode, but an ongoing thing in Ops mind that he thinks everybody wants to destroy the holy Swat Portal. Seriously, dont you think he should lighten up a bit?
    I mean, I dont see any other Swat member than Op write pages of accusations against who attacked the Swat Portal this and that time.
    Also, if you criticize Op in the slightest on non-Swat forums, its always considered as an attack on the Swat Portal rather than an attack on him personally. That always leads to a drama as in "this is how Swat members are treated in this forum".

    Anyways, I see that there is a different perspective if you watch all this from within the Swat community and dont really understand the connections and the events in the past. I had my conflict with OP already about the Working Cloak Mod, so Im also a little prestressed about all this.

    Yeah, Im specifically talking about Op here and his vendetta-style rage posts where he declares everybody non-SWAT guilty, yet usually theres a lot more to it.
    I see that the joke on TSP was handled rather unprofessionally, indeed. Yet, to say that this was an attack on the overall Swat community is somewhat over the top. It seems that Op actually wants to provoke drama posts which is my point. Also, its not "you" that starts the trouble, but rather in most cases directly related to Ops behaviour outside of Swat. And that is not an attack, but rahter an observation. Why does OP get attacked by different and many people outside of Swat a lot of times while other modders get along very nicely and even actively share their knowledge?
    Does it have to do with the group/community dynamics (TSP vs TLR vs SWAT vs etc..) and the importance these communities is given?
    What Im saying is, its easy to blame whole communities and to make generalizations, but its hard to accept that there is more to it than only your own view of good and bad.


    Who ever that has a sence of logical thinking and is not blind can tell you that there was a massive loss of players in the past years. I leave it to the people if they trust your numbers or what they have observed with their own eyes

    You know, for a start you still didnt answer me why this is so important to you.
    Anyways, contrary to you, I dont trust in "feelings" but rather rely on hard facts, aka plain numbers of ppl playing Freelancer.
    And these numbers didnt even significantly drop when the GLS went down - this is a fact. Most servers had their server mods already equipped with direct connect utilities so it didnt really have such an impact.
    Also, you only talk about how servers and communities have vanished, disregarding the many start-ups that have build new fl communities out of nowhere.
    This is btw. exactly the kind of re-newing the fl community needs.


    my mother once said if you have nothing nice to say dont say anything there are some that should realy head that advice

    Funny you say that, OP does not agree with you I think ;)
    Or at least he doesnt agree to this statement when he's not on Swat Forums.

    Its pretty easy to spot your faked forum accounts by what they post and how they post.. but other than that I had and have some more strong indications that you used fakes, such as IP adress matches and logical errors in the personalities you made up. No, not gonna elaborate on this, the same way you dont elaborate on certain things.

    Players in 2006.. yes I do know about the actual amount of people playing Freelancer online since I actually run a FLServer statistics page.. so you'd think that I rather have more precise numbers than anybody else, or not?
    But you know what, who cares? What if I do want to blend the community with an illusion, what would be the advantage for me in that specific case?
    That doesnt even make sense. You are so taken by your hatred that you dont even think about what is important and what is not. You divide the people into "communities" whereas the reality shows that most people cannot be tied to any specific community.
    You know, Im not even a "true" TSP member myself. I feel more attached to Hamburg City, for example, rather than to TSP.
    So consider this a "Hamburg City" attack, if you consider it any attack at all. :rolleyes:


    And for sure the FL community will be interested in who did decisions which in the end did lead to some heavy damages for servers and mods. There is much that the people out there dont know yet.

    You know, I dont think "the FL Community" is really interested.. your "scandal" posts are getting really old (since you do them every ~4 months and they are always about how SWAT is attacked, while they never solve anything) and you have lost a lot of respect on various other communities by doing so.
    Also, it would help your credibility a lot if you would stop using faked forum accounts to push your point.

    So what I want to say is: Lighten up or you will eventually be very isolated within the overall FL community. This is not a threat btw. as you surely see it as another "attack", just a friendly advice.


    Sounds like an easy solution with one important question never answered. Who's in charge of the GLS replacement now? Since TLR has already posted a solution that works, why not use it universally? Until there's proof that TLR is biased and certain servers are removed/blocked from the GLS alternative by w0dk4, there's not much use in SWAT offering its own one. Fact that some of TLR admins expressed personal opinions in offensive way doesn't mean that they are going to ban anyone from GLS. There is place for two communities, but not for two GLS versions. Double GLS will be a bad thing for everyone.

    Just to correct something:
    The GLS Workaround is not controlled by TLR, only by me. It is also just a workaround, not a good replacement as it lasts longer to show all servers in the server window. (therefore meant as a temporary solution)
    Regarding control: The server submission script is completely automated. Every server you can see at is listed.
    I do not plan on delisting servers except for the cause where the workaround or the server running it are under attack and the attacker souce ip matches an FLServer ip.
    (firewall ban will then affect the updating process of that flserver, therefore it would then be delisted after 7 days, as that is the maximung amount of time we save server-player data in the database)