Posts by Overlord


    Is anyone hacking this server?

    I had the exactly same thought yesterday evening. If anybody is, then [5] [1] [6] him...

    Update: ok, lucky me got to log in after a few tries: no commands, missiles ain't locking :( But as this means Nomads and DK can't stop my cruise, I couldn't be happier :tongue: (for the moment, that is...)

    did your FL crash by any chance? check the FL app folder, if there's an EXE2 folder. If yes, delete that one and only keep the EXE folder.

    EXE\Freelancer.exe => updater/launcher
    EXE2\Freelancer.exe => actual gamefile after successful update

    if that's not it, I give up ?(

    anyway, time to catch up on some sleep - working day tomorrow

    problem is on european part as well - getting the problem too.

    after a few tries I managed to log on. Everything seemed normal, until I got to Sol. Encountered quite a few DK, but none could stop me with cruise disruptors (I'm in an Osiris, don't know if that's the reason, but I think it's rather due to their missiles not correctly locking on to me)
    30k before Dimensional Rift my FL crashed to Desktop, that was about 21:30 GMT. Haven't been able to log in after that.

    So in conclusion I doubt it has something to do with a specific person loggin on. And I definitely doubt it was something intentional - it ain't April 1st after all :D

    In OP we trust - hopefully he'll find the problem, that has been nagging us all tonight [7] [9]

    now this seems very strange. Also I noticed my Updater starts spitting out messages I've never seen before. It starts counting the files downloaded - 1 to 8, then jumps to something around 430, fetches some more files and then is ready to launch.

    a quick peek into FL directory shows me that quite some files were updated that weren't updated anywhen earlier.

    Maybe somehow connected to that? My guess though is that FLHook is acting up or not acting at all. Why else should the kick message appear before I even reach the char selection screen?

    If it were April 1st, ok. But this is not funny... ;(

    Update: while typing this, the updater runs in the background - in ULTRA-slow-mo... ?( and at the page botttom a line reads "Could not write to the server's socket".