Posts by EVH316

    Hi, me again.

    Story related? I'm tasked with getting a job on Toledo, but can't 'cos my rep's no good.

    I've got nothing but respect for SWAT_OP-R8R as I'd previously played standard Freelancer all the way through , stumbled across this mod and got into playing it again.

    Naturally, I don't want to mention the 'B' word - but is it a bug? Is there something story related I'm supposed to do now - I can't see how as I've lost my ship and most of my credits. I'm gutted and on the brink of stopping playing - it's that serious!

    I'd really appreciate a PM telling me (nicely!) exactly what to do next - from anyone who knows.


    Thanks in advance,


    Hi all,

    This is my first post here, so be gentle!

    I'm playing single player with the (excellent!) Crossfire 1.7 mod at the mo. and as soon as I dock on Toledo I lose my ship and end up with the poxy one you start off with!

    I've searched the forums but can't find anyone else who'se reported this, I guess not many people play single player.

    Can anyone help?

    Many, many thanks,
