Posts by Zirc


    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    u have decoded those coords on the coalition stations?

    Yes, I have. I just wrote down the undecoded co-ordinates to avoid a spoiler for other players. They can find out for themselves.....:-)
    Yes or no is all I need. Either I keep on looking or I will move on and explore the CF universe further. Just to boldly go where no sane man in a piece of junk and a vac-suit has ever wished to go to before...;-)

    Grz, Zirc.


    Originally posted by mcsquared
    Many thanks to the Crossfire team for their work on this mod. ... This mod adds depth and originality to Freelanceer and in general, makes Freelancer a much better game. ...

    Hear Hear!! I absolutely agree. I have played Freelancer a lot when it just hit the market (Yes, way back in time....) and just picked it up again a few weeks ago for 'good old times sake'.
    And now there's this mod.....grin....yes!....finaly a challenge! Most mods from past days where just camouflaged cheats. Stronger ships, super guns/shields/armour while the opponents stayed more or less the same. It only made it easier, not tougher or more interesting. It gets rather boring blasting everything out of the sky that comes in you're path, without breaking a sweat. Yawn......
    So thanks again for re-working this game in the way you did, it makes it much more enjoyable.

    Like many others before me tough, I have a question. Because I don't like spoilers myself I will write it down a little cryptical, but the people who wrote CF1.70 will probably know what I'm talking about.
    During gameplay you get info from the Coalition (among others), wich lead to certain co-ordinates. I have searched rather well but couldn't find anything at KT40TRWVT-33
    TX45 X-76. In other words, i crossed those co-ordinates in a grid patern (H 20 x V 20 strait passes) at slow speed....
    Is there anything there? Please just answer yes or no and I will have my answer.

    Like somebody wrote in an earlier thread: 'Isn't searching half the fun?'

    Thanks and Grz, Zirc.