Posts by SeOsiris

    Just cancel the daily updates(about 40 files or so) and your edited files will remain, however be advised that your economy will remain the same, meaning that your prices will remain the same forever instead of changing everyday. I also recomend not changing your shields because by making it stronger all enemies that use that shield will also be stronger, its better if you simply make it so that your enemies are spawned without nano/shield-bots until you get used to the improved AI at the game(I will admit i used to do that at the beggining), also check the battle tutorials, you might learn a few usefull tricks. Also this is more realistic than vanilla freelancer, in here is not good to take on more than 4 enemies(that are as strong or well equiped as you) by yourself, the good thing about this is that your allies are not useless like they used to be.

    1-)What are the diferences between dreadnoughts and battleships? I noticed that according to the wiki dreadnoughts(450k hp) have 100k more hp than battleships(350k hp) and 4(DR) torpedo launchers instead of 2(BS).

    2-)Do any of them have shields because the osiris description implies it has shields.

    3-)Also when fully equipped how much cargo space do you have left?.

    4-)Are dreadnoughts better in all cases or do battleships have some advantage over dreadnaughts for having less hp and torpedo slots?(Like shields or more cargo left, etc.).

    So im looking into buying the "power generator mk V" and it says that it will replace my ship original generator with one that has 10.400 power and 1.540 regen, its says that some ships have a better generator so i would like to know if redemption has a better power generator already. I know battleships and the like have infinite energy so they shouldnt have a new generator installed.

    Not the only planet where i can fight in the surface? Nice. Excelent video by the way. Now im stuck in the hardest mission so far: the one where i have to escort a transport from dublin to sol system. The first time it got stuck at pretty much every gate and trade lane it tried to cross, after 30 minutes i reached the thing that transports me from jupiter to earth and there the transport got stuck for good. In my second try it passed every gate flawlessly, when i reached sol it went to the neptune gate in a straight line and crash and burned against charon(Pluton moon).

    So i tried the corkscrew maneuver(which i assume is rotation) and managed to kill them on the second try, i strafed in circles and rotated at the same time(while using thrusters of course) till i got behind them, then started shooting at them, as soon as you kill 2 of them its easier to dodge and survive, not to mention they usually drop some bots which you can use if needed. Great advice.

    On a separate note: paradise is really pretty, and it was fun to fly and battle on the surface, maybe you could incorporate some special big planet where you can do missions in the surface and there are mountains and stuff you could use at your advantage, not too many planets obviously as this is mostly a space game but it was fun.

    Im going to talk about mission 22 of the crossfire campaign so spoiler alert.

    I reached lost paradise and im supposed to kill 4 nomad bombers on the planet surface but they kill me extremely fast, whats worse is that i took dmg on my way to the planet and i cant repair my ship or buy shields/hull bots im flying a seahorse with 1 tizona del cid, 1 salamanca II, and 4 nomad energy blasters, i have 1 revelation mines, 2 sunslayer torpedos, and 1 hornet cruise distruptor, I have like 11k/10k hull/shield. Any recomendations? I noticed im not being hit by their blasters but by their missiles/torpedos and i die even before i can get behind them.

    Edit 1: Apparently what has been killing me where my own torpedos, as soon as i launch them they explode in my face, probably because im close to the surface.

    Edit 2: when im in front of them they miss all their shots, when i get behind them all their shots land on me killing me almost as fast as my own torpedos.

    Edit 3: their weapons seem to have 2 times the range of my own so they are probably using those new class 10 weapons

    What is nomad mine ammo, i got it after destroying the first nomad starcarrier(the one in sol that has like 2 million hp), it appears to be a mine launcher but i cant find it on the wiki, is this just to sell or can you purchase ammo for it later?

    So I just finished mission 17(Chapter 2 of CF), and im wondering, i got the first CF mission right after finishing the vanilla campaign, and so far at the end of every mission i get another mission, at which point will i be able to take a break and explore the new sectors i can access from X-3043? Do i need to finish the entire campaign first? Because that would be a bummer. I get that its necessary to take the first few missions one after another(because they're necessary to unlock some places), but i hope i soon get some liberty to explore and buy some things.

    1)You told me to ignore it but ill answer just in case, i just check the list of all ships nearby, and i can see when they are corsairs, gaians, etc.

    2)Im not sure what the open SP setting is or how to activate it, could you explain so i can see if i activated it accidentaly?

    3)I didnt submit anything in the bug tracker, i couldnt find it, i just apologized in case thats were it was supposed to go, but you clarified that it doesnt exist anymore.

    Thanks for the fast reply.

    Edit: Also i paid Mollys to become friends, so i could buy the "bastard VHF" from their base, dont know if this could have anything to do with it, after all i kept playing normally for a while before any issues arised.

    Edit 2: Okay i found the openSP option in settings, and no, i never activated it.

    Hi, im new to crossfire ,something has happened to my game, somehow i just started mission 5 on the SP campaing even thought i didnt go to juni in cambridge and i cant do bar missions because of that. Whats worse is that now all my enemies (like corsairs, gaians, etc) are acting neutral towards me, they turn hostile if i kill any of their ships but once i dock somewhere and then undock they become neutral again despite the fact that in my faction relationship tab(F8) they all appear as hostile.

    Im not sure what could have caused this. In my saved games i noticed some saves titled Mission 5: Cambridge, Cambridge; when i load those(to know where did i start the mission) i appear at the "battleship hood" in dublin that is near the race track. I did some bar missions there without trouble before all these bugs beggan. If i remember correctly in vanilla you meet someone in that battleship to do a race further in the campaing, is it possible that going there before the campaign took me there triggered these problems?

    PS: I tried reporting it to the bug tracker like the "Trouble Reports - Bugtracker" thread said, but it said page not found, so im sorry if this isnt the place to ask for help.