Posts by BG_Galacticfire

    I have just looked on the lancer reacter forum and it seems certain that this idiot Wolf has crashed our server.

    OP if you need any help getting the server back can e-mail have my e-mail address.

    I would like to see this wolf take it up A**hole with a javerlin sideways....ooohhhhhhh ouch.

    After reading the Gunny it possible this gutter loser called wolf has messed our server up....

    Extreme anger as well as frustration now.

    Sorry if an imcorrect assumption.....but im now biting flesh as nails have

    A world without playing online is extemely frusrating.

    Pls OP get the server up and running.....i have no nails left to bite.

    Yours sincerely

    One frustrated BG_Galacticfire waiting to take all anger out on Csf.

    Hi to all the guys I used to know on the 1.62 mod.

    I am in the process of downloading 1.7 and will be giving the new mod a shot.

    BG_Slayer has asked me to come back and my brother is now a member of the BG setup as well now.

    messege to OP - i will rejoin as a normal pilot as i have been told i am on the fallen list with BG.... hope i can rejoin BG asap.....

    Special hi to Flyin-SI, Wavey and all the BG lads.......hope to see u soon.