Posts by Suffyx

    You have clicked Open SP in Options - unclick

    That was it, thx a lot :tanz:
    3 alcoholics only, in a whole universe ? Seems like there is a need for another highly perishable commodity which can make you rich, drunken or both :D

    Hello to all, help needed !
    I experienced the same problem as Cryssalex described some posts ago: I get stuck on Mission 12, Planet Toledo.
    Right after docking, my Eagle ( bought from a vanilla FL system) and all the weapons, all upgrades disappeared, I landed with a basically equipped starflyer ?(
    At once, I made a jump to Lvl 66 , think this is explained by the money I´ve earned due to expended podding in Manchester ( got some 90 millions Creds, the money is still there).
    I can´t get any mission in the bar, there is no sequence in which I hand over the power cell etc..
    And what I ´ve discovered is that I don´t have ANY reputation, neither positive nor negative, starting with the faction "Kusari State Police" till to the "Gas Miners Guild".

    What did I do wrong ? Some players geave me the advice that I should not visit CF systems or buy CF ships before the storyline gives me the chance to do this.
    So I didn´t. The Eagle and the upgrades and weapons, including the codename weapons, are bought and collected in systems which I could reach without tricking around.
    Nevertheless, I got stuck at Toledo, I can´t get a mission, I can´t make any progress in the campaign, I can´t even buy me a f***ing Margherita :cursing:

    So, what to do ? Starting new ? Or loading mission xx and buying another ship, selling / deactivating the big guns ? Crashing my head onto the keyboard and hoping the best ? :verrueckt:

    OK guys, thanks again for the advices. Hm, you just crushed my plan to get me early a "Komodo Dragon", "Saracen" or "Chimera", but there must be a good reason for your warnings...
    Nevertheless, I really would appreciate a thread with ship reviews. As everybody has got a slightly different flying style and approach towards the game, the reviews could give a hint wether a ship suits the readers- own style or not, maybe better than stats alone could do.

    But I suppose that there are not many interested people to join as it seems to me that the majority is playing ED or Star Citizen ?(

    Yes, it was pretty, ahm, suprising :patsch:.
    The huge amount of ships makes it hard to choose. Of course, at the beginning, the "Marauder" is an extraordinary option for those who wants to earn money by pod delivery.
    But equipped with an outstanding durable ship at this early stage, one starts to think about all the new options brought up by this opportunity.
    What to do: following the campaign or saving money and getting a VHF and equippment in the outer systems which I would never have reached in one piece relying onto the "Defender" ?

    In former times it was, at least for me, impossible to get an VHF with Lvl 9, no way ! :pfeil: Now I could do, but it´s a long long way downtown.
    The chosen one will be equipped best as possible,but this will make the run much more longer.
    This means: it has to be the right one, not only for vanilla but also for the CF campaign till it´s possible to buy something better.
    After having studied the list of ships and compared the stats for days, I came to the conclusion that some reviews would be very helpful,
    experience sometimes counts more than statistics :wissenschaftler:

    If you all don´t mind, I would request all players to continue this thread by posting some reviews or opinions.
    It could be very useful for all SP like me who play CF the first time ( my first MOD at all, by the way).
    The experience I´ve made with the "Bastard" e.g. was impressing but not catastrophal as I had enough game saves before buying it.
    Otherwise it could be very.... ;(
    And I don´t mean it to be a "which is the best ship"-thread, more something like "my experiences with ..." , "never thought that with ...", " what a surprise ... was",
    " I survived a fight against 100 .... with my ..." , " WTF is this peace of scrap metal called .... ? ".

    Also It´s interesting to read what you all have written in several posts according the FL/ CF campaign or MP playing and the needed / favored ships.
    Would be nice to

    Thanks a lot for the answers.
    Very interesting indeed. And the Mirage looks really good, the Quasar looks even better, reminds me a little bit of the F-14 Tomcat ^^
    Yeah, I see, the preferences for PVP are quite different . As long as I play SP , the Eagle should be good enough. Hope so.
    Nice list, Apache ;)

    Hello everybody,

    I got some questions about the agility of the VHF´s. I´ve found some sites on the internet comparing turning rates and so on, also I found sometimes, not always, some words in the descriptions of the ships here in the wiki.
    But all the way I found nothing credible and complete concearning agility about all the new ships introduced here in CF.
    Have been the steads of the original ships in FL modificated somehow or are they still original ?
    Did I miss a good comparing site, has anybody got a hint ?
    For example, I just tried out the "Bastard" VHF. Well, it earns this name when you try to make a turn.... :D But, now I wonder wether I should travel all the way downtown to get me an Eagle
    ( which was formely the most agile VHF, as I remeber) or should I get me a Stormcrow ?

    Hope that anybody can help me a little bit out with information,
    I would appreciate any answer. Thanks in advance :thankyou:

    .. just try hoop into MP from time to time and if see some TSH, or IOC guys or simply someone with little higher lvl just ask ... this is the fastes way if you want earn moneys via trading. .. but combat offer for SP imo much better options (via selling escape pods on prisons)

    but combat offer for SP imo much better options (via selling escape pods on prisons)

    LOL, now I know what you mean: I´ve sold 12 pods, for the first time, just 5 minutes ago and earned 800.000 credits8o
    Seems that I was worried for nothing, hehe :thankyou:

    Ok guys, think I have to play, wait and see.
    It´s a little bit scaring for a newbee seeing ships and equipment which cost several dozen millions in the shop while struggling to survive infight for a couple of creds.
    But as I´m lvl 4 it´s hard to imagine that the earnings will be adaequate with lvl 30 or 40 as linear progression is assumed.
    But maybe this is the biggest fault to make: comparing CF with FL without having played it through.
    I should play and look where it will lead to :zocken: instead of being afraid of possibly nothing :sos:

    Thank´s again, good night to everybody

    This explains a lot...(das erklärt einiges)
    There is just one question left: can I select between the offered updates or is it like " all or nothing" ?
    The only reason that I´m asking is that even in the SP campagne it seems as if good weapons and ships are much more faster needed than in the old FL
    Right at the start I get smashed and dashed into peaces by AI-rouges who were no match in original FL. And for a casual player like me, ( as I wrote, this weekend is the first one which provides me spare time for playing though having installed CF 3 weeks before), it could be very hard or even impossible to earn enough credits for good equipment when prices alternate daily.
    That is what I´m afraid of.
    I´m for sure not interested in cheating :negativ:

    Thank you for the answer, Martind. I supposed that it could be these 2 updates but was not sure.
    May I ask another question : is there something like a data base plugin in which the commodity prices could be stored or do I have to do it
    in good old "MS Excel" manual style ?

    Hello everybody,

    I´ve just recently started playing CF, having played Freelancer 10 years ago. Well , actually, I´ve installed CF 3 weeks ago but just now am able to spend some time for playing ( instead of working :verrueckt: )
    And here are my questions: as I am a bloody newbee for now, it would be very nice to have some stable trade routes at the beginning for money earning purposes, but how can I disable the daily commodity price updates ?
    For example, as I started the launcher an hour ago, it installed me about 174 updates, is there any way to see what they are before installing them ? Is there any way to distinguish or block the trade related updates ?

    Thank´s a lot for answers :salutes

    I´m Suffyx and nearly 40 years old .
    I´ve played Freelancer more than 10 years before and was waiting since then for a follow-up...
    well... found Crossfire....and here I am :)
    And my first impression of CF is, that, in comparison to good old FL,
    I really am an apprentice again (what the hell you´ve made with the AI, they crushed me at "average", didn´t expect this :blush2: )

    Looks like a lot to learn,a lot to exercise, a lot of fun 8).

    Good night