Posts by Eight

    You should get, at the very least, something that has lvl 10 weps. From this point on, it gets progressively harder.

    Level 6 weapons will not cut it, as they won't even kill the shields. There are plenty of ships available that have 2 level 9 weapon slots and 4 level 10 weapon slots. There are even some ships that have 6 level 10 slots.

    Here is the page to look for a ship that will suit your needs.…/377-Very-Heavy-Fighters/

    Good luck in your search.

    ~edited to answer second question~

    Yes, there are breaks in the chapters to allow you to go on a search for a new ship, equipment, exploring, etc. However, there are only a few of these breaks.

    I'm trying to sell my house in RL so people stop by randomly. I landed while they were here, came back kicked and banned.

    Character names are



    Server restarted roughly 20 mins ago. Before restart I was playing with no trouble.

    After restart, I can't even launch from the station.

    Yeah, everything was good for about 3 or 4 hours. I got a ship after making my first million creds, went to Texas to take missions to farm pods and as soon as I got my first mission it wouldn't let me launch.

    Thought it might be me so I restarted. Took about 5 mins for server to show up. Once it did show up, I connected but it took longer than usual. I launch and it took 5 mins to do that.

    Dunno what I did, as I did nothing different this morning. Finally got the mod to activate.

    After running thru SP, to familiarize myself with the mod, I'll see you all in MP.

    Screw it. I've played since the game came out over 10 years ago, played multiple mods. Never once have I had this issue just getting the mod to activate. Never once have I had to sit at my pc for well over 5 and a half hours uninstalling/reinstalling just to get the exact same error.

    Have fun with you mod. I'm out.

    Edit by
    didn't I wrote in the guide somewhere :
    otherwise you do it twice :D 

    Gonna be a bit. I just uninstalled flmm and freelancer yet again. I'll reinstall fl, then flmm, then the mod yet again. Can't believe I've been working on this for 4 and a half hours for nothing.

    Last shot for me, no mod is worth this headache.

    I've done a clean install of freelancer and flmm 1.3. Made sure write protection was off as well as run as administrator checked. Every time I try to activate the mod I continually get this error below.

    Error: SHCopyFile failed ('C:\Program Files (x86)\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\Freelancer 2 - Crossfire\DATA\INTERFACE\Intro\Images\startupscreen_16ws.bmp' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\DATA\INTERFACE\Intro\Images\startupscreen_16.bmp')

    What do I do to fix this?