Posts by rockin982

    That makes a lot more sense to me.

    Now I have chosen NOT to immediately go to the Vega system and get a kitted out Eagle to play the whole game with, resulting in just a large surplus of money while my ship and equipment is capped by what vanilla made available at any given point along the storyline, and I am able to afford the best of what's available as soon as I have access to it via new bases. So while that has made the majority of grinding levels virtually non-existent so far, I suppose it's not a horrible tradeoff, as I still get to experience the different ships and equipment at different levels.

    Now with that said, I'm assuming that the vanilla missions are designed to ramp up in difficulty much more quickly than they did in the unmodded game? For example most of the Walkthroughs make Mission 03, escorting the transports sound like a walk in the park, but facing 8 Outcast Daggers at once, with guns that chew through your Defender's little shields like it was paper isn't exactly what I'd describe as easy - and it's not like you have 6 Navy Sabers out there taking them down quickly either. This must be the difficulty that some people were complaining about, which has been solved with additional rewards? (Although still if you ask me, receiving anywhere from 10k-100K credits per captured pilot more than makes it easy enough to obtain credits if your ship is lacking ...)

    Ok, so granting that's the case, would it make sense to scale the cost of vanilla equipment accordingly, so that at least there's still some sense of accomplishment with obtaining equipment while playing through the vanilla campaigns?

    For example if by the end of Mission 1, I have $200,000 credits, then a $17,000 credit upgrade to the Patriot LF seems awfully trivial, not to mention that it can be bought and decked out before you even begin mission 1. Shouldn't it cost closer to $170,000 in that case? In fact as I come to it, it seems most vanilla items should have their costs increased by a factor of 10 to preserve the feel of the vanilla portion of the game, if that was the intent of the mod. Between quest rewards, trade profits and pods, there's so much money to be made that the player can literally have the best vanilla ship in the game with lvl 10 shields and lvl 9 guns mounted before they even begin the second campaign mission.

    I admit this may be a noobish question, but:

    Is there a specific reason for the drastic change in starting credits and credits rewarded for SP campaign missions in 2.0? I'm sure there's something I'm not realizing, but it just seems rather unbalancing that by the end of mission 1 you have over $200,000 credits when you're supposed to be a peniless refuge from a destroyed space station barely scraping by. Certainly the prices of vanilla ships and weapons and ordinance becomes completely trivial, even while you're working on obtaining enough credits to level up - is that the goal?

    I can't determine whether this is just an issue with my own setup, but I am running Crossfire 2.0 with a 1600x900 resolution setup, and a lot of times I notice a lot of text overlap. For example, in the parts dealer, the weapon slot description will overlap the sale price of the equipped item, and in flight, there's an overlap between the improved countermeasure dropper and the number of countermeasures I have left.

    I've seen some guides on setting up FL for widescreen, and I know some of that deals with changing around the fonts, but since Crossfire had an option to preconfigure for my resolution settings, I would have figured it would have handled all of this for me.

    Are there any recommendations for fixing this?