Posts by PsychoWedge

    Uh, what??

    I didn't mean literally twice as in starting the game only two times and not a single time more. I meant playing through it twice. And that's something I won't have the time to do back to back, because as you well said, that takes a lot of time and even more so with a huge mod like this.

    And I never said I don't like the mod. Why would I want to play the mod if I didn't like it? And how would I even know if I do or do not like it, if I've never played it.

    @ Nucnuc
    Well, that is doch mal n Wort. ^^ I guess I'll play through the vanilla campaign on 1.9 and then wait for CF2.0. Thank you very much.

    Thanks for your replys, first of all. :)

    So, the thing is that I don't have much free time anymore and I'll not be able to play FL just twice in the forseeable future, once with 1.9 and once with 2.0. I don't like games like Freelancer as multiplayer, so I'll play the SP only. If the savegames are compatible between the versions than you guys are right and there is no reason to wait but if they aren't and 2.0 is just a couple of weeks down the road, then I'd rather wait.

    I should've probably mentioned that in my opener but it just didn't even cross my mind to play online so I completely forgot. Sorry for that.

    Hi there,

    Every other year I dig up the old Freelancer disc and go for another rump in the Sirius sector. I rarly mod besides some graphical improvements, so I was rather flabergasted when I discovered that there are huge and very interesting sounding megamods like Crossfire and Discovery. I read the Crossfire faq and then the Crossfire 2.0 Preview on the main page and I saw that everything there is logged on 100% progress.

    My question is this:
    Should I play version 1.9 or is the release of 2.0 in the forseeable future and waiting for it is the better course of action?