Posts by IntrinsicRandomEvent

    Hi Martind, thanks for the welcome,

    I got to that system last night, after a rough battle with some nomad bombers that took several attempts.

    That system is huge, must about the max size for a Freelancer system. Good to see gas giants that are a more realistic size. Went scouting through the asteroids for a while, there must be a jump hole in there somewhere but I didn't find it, just found asteroid miners, a lot of rocks, and that car Elon Musk sent into orbit (actually, that could be a great easter egg, Elon Musk's Tesla as a hidden wreck...). I'll have another look through it soon.

    The break points work well as a way to bypass the hardcoded limitations, as long as you know they are coming. Could be something to add to the starter guide, just a mention that after chapter 4 you'll get a chance to break off from the missions and return later, if you decline the next mission from King and Juni.

    Looking forward to what happens next.

    Thanks for the reply SWAT_OP-R8R, I'll keep going with the story until one of these 3 fixed points come up, and then explore some of these new systems.

    No waypoints, but that could be an interesting challenge. I started the CF campaign with a Deathblade that I got from Oasis, pretty nice ship, but I might try to get a Bullpup MkIII and do some space truckin'. Enjoying the new SP content very much, I'll see if I can attempt multiplayer after this, might be a bit of lag from Australia.

    This is still the best space sim fix while we wait a few more years for Star Citizen. By the time that's ready, we'll have real FTL spaceships.

    Hello all,

    Decided to try the Crossfire 2.0 single player campaign. Tried crossfire a few years back, and now that I've discovered how to get Freelancer working on Windows 10, had a blast playing through the original game, and decided to try Crossfire again.

    I am hugely impressed by what you have achieved. I remember it being quite good, but this 2.0 version is excellent, loving the visual improvements, the ships, the systems, and the level of detail.

    One thing that I'm having trouble with is that the Crossfire missions never break, I mean, as soon as you complete one mission you are locked into the next one. I have done several missions, several of which were real highlights (like the Saturn battle). I think I have just collected the datadisks from 3 systems... but at this point I really want to wander off for a while, maybe look for a better ship, maybe do some trading, and exploring, maybe kill some Xenos... and then come back to another CF mission. While it might be possible to leave the mission areas, making waypoints is locked out because you're on a mission, and it seems so far that you're always on a mission during the campaign. Does an opportunity for a mission break happen?

    Just wondering what your thoughts are on this. It could be that I am missing something, or maybe a chance is coming up. If there are no breaks between missions like there were in the original campaign, then I would definitely support putting a few in, maybe every couple of chapters. It should be possible to set things up at some point so that the next mission begins when you talk to Juni on the Osiris, or something like that, and just let the player know that starts the next mission, that sort of thing happens often in the original game.

    Again thanks for your efforts in bringing new life to this game.:thumbsup: