Posts by moegerbyte

    Hehe - I agree!

    However, in Single Player (not open!) Custodian jump gate in NY System wasn't locked, just the way BACK is. Which is really frustrating, because I spent hours and hours of finding my way around that one jump gate that only worked one-way and I actually managed to get back to Bretonia in a motherflippin Defender. (Custodian, X-3043, Omicron Alpha [here the X-3043 didn't let me back], Omicron Theta, Omicron-41, Omega-5, Cambridge, New London, Manchester, Magellan, California - NAWT! )

    Considering the roll-play factor that I personally wanna get out of the SP as well, I figured it would be unfair just to give up this character who found his way back from his own space odyssee. Also, in the same game I have been in Magellan and Bering (from Texas) so I don't know why I can't re-enter. Has no-one ever had a similar problem before? Would a way around Texas maybe work, or do you agree with me that it most probably is a story restriction?

    So you are saying there is no way to alter the settings or cheat my way back to Liberty? I rrrrreaally want to keep this character. It's just been such an awesome exploration experience... and it's freakin' Singlep Player :D

    Guys please help me bugfix.

    Hehe, I catch your drift!

    Nevertheless I was more looking for a tip on how to save my savegame...
    Would you know of any way of altering the progress in the story (skip mission 3)? Or change the player's current position back to Liberty space? Or delete the restriction on the jump gates?

    Like I said, I battled like 10 hours with a crappy ship and survived outcasts and corsairs just to be stranded.

    Hey everyone!

    I have a rather unique bug to report and request help with it;

    In SP CF I simply followed the storyline until I got stuck at Mission 3 right before reaching Willard Station, because I was badly equipped. I decided let Juni wait on California Minor and to go look for Rochester to buy barrenger guns or sthg in Liberty and found a jump whole to "Custodian". Now I read that technically it should be impossible to enter that (with clean FL installation and everything), but it worked nevertheless and out of curiosity I entered it, reaching after what really was an odysse, another Gate labelled X-3043.

    Stupid as I was I entered and couldn't go back, since access was locked by the Outcasts. Ever since I have been fighting my way back to civilized space and I actually managed to get back to Bretonia (which is more like my league at the moment :D) after hours and hours of gameplay . But here come's the REAL PROBLEM:

    Upon docking with any jump whole / gate to liberty space, I get the "docking denied" error from the gate.

    My assumption is, that since I wasn't supposed to leave Liberty at that stage of the SP campaign, I'm not allowed to enter either.

    Would you guys have any idea on how to get around this problem? Or what else could cause it?

    Honestly this might sound desperate but I feel like I traveled across the whole universe exploring everything just to be stuck in front of a friendly gate and since this is SP campaign (and I haven't even finished it in regular FL all those years ...) and I'm really curious about what's gonna happen next, I'm really ready to do anything....

    Cheating position, unlocking gates by code, skipping one mission, go a really stupid, far way just to get back... please help me..
