Posts by pontios

    For me nevermine ,but to know these are your talks and these are no proofs .Told you before if you have some specifik proofs post to convice me that I cheated!!Thats all!!but i dont think you post something cause you dont have ;)

    Nice pick you got there but nothing says about cheating,only unknown things and i dont understand what they are and how all are unknown.I'm not convince cause i want something specifik us i told before. ;)

    Well guys i think you all talked too much!If you find any proofs that we cheat posted them here too see the evidence ,cause all you said before are only rumors,nothing specifik and we'll not play anymore on this nice server! :]

    Well Mr Gunny,i think you like to play with words!!After we said GO i launced the torps and then started the attack.I have ,maybe,many thousants of fights in my FL career so i dont need to do such things, you said that i 've done,and the experience isnt so bad to have so you can use it in some times when is needed! ;)

    Hi guys,well Gunny made 1 serius mistake that only a noob can make i think.I shooted 3 times my torp launcer before the start of the attact.This isn't magical or something strainge, is something you can do all i suppose.So becarefull another time when you accuse somebody for some reason and be sure on what you saying before checking out!! [6] . [8] [8]