Posts by ThoALfeqare

    The same thing what happens here in my country SYR happens to UKR :( IMO the main old Devil is USA :diablo: did that and just i want to tell every body before about that picture denne ^^ put it >> an USA ghost open the doors and enter the countries then he get out with blood Except Ukraine the army of Russia i think fired him .. let me tell u guys our Syrian army the strongest :keeporder: that he fights the Jehadeen (Terrorists) stand for 3 years just to make the world safe from those who wants to travel back to kill in EUR and UKR etc..u must put a soldier in front of the door of Syria that kick ass the USA ghost like UKR and we are with UKR ppl and about Syria there is no Revolution :suchend: or some thing all this made in USA like UKR to push on Russia I agree many many of u guys about 90% points that u talked about ...USA puts billions and Saudi Arabia to make the :tongue: ''Revolution'' :tongue: be real and success but they failed and fail fail .. the same for UKR and we believe that UKR going to be 2 UKR west for USA and EAST for Russia i hope that not happens the UKR ppl must see what happened here and learn from here if UKR goes to be peaces that will be = civil war just god help us and help all ppl around the world and i like to say my Words in the future (people Must destroy the politics) and we start then safe life and peace world i can't talk much guys bec we got bored from politics and killing and blood every where FTW just this is my opinion little words enough to understand what happens salam (: about pictures for syrian cities let me tell u guys i live in Damascus country side and there is many cities destroyed not bec of russia bec of Saudi Arabia no one forget what they did for us Russia helped us from nato only i live here i know hwat happens here am only syrain in the page so i think i will be enough to make picture for my country and the situation in it..Russia has provided assistance to us and the most important political and not military assistance . Our army was established 40 years ago and is a strong army and a strong and mighty based on the doctrine and is based protect us from the abomination of terrorism and gangs backed by outside Saudi Arabia , Qatar, Turkey , Germany, Britain and Afghanistan, and America and Australia and more than 56 countries support terrorism in Syria . Did not know one of those states that terrorism will reflect on them .. they want from the Syrian army get rid of them and at the same time do not want Bashar al-Assad to step down . Did anyone of you asked why the discrepancy . Almost die of laughter when I read the policy and I see it with my own eyes contradicted . Tell you and we proudly cherish our identity and Syrian Arab Identity and we've endured three years and we will remain steadfast and will not leave this country and we will remain a thorn in the heart of the United States and others. speak with you because there are to protect me from the state is the government is the people's army is a stickler , but in every country there are corruption and there are betrayals , so we should not judge directly . , I saw the crisis with my own eyes and guns and tanks, but I am not afraid because I know these tanks and cannons us army that protects the entity of this country and Syria will remain the only defending themselves and fighting terrorism until the last Syrian citizen Sharif if anyone of you who lived we lived for only died from a crisis of traffic congestion and votes bombing and the food crisis and assure the Syrian crisis will end soon because we see the fact that they began to expire . Thank God that electricity , water and Internet and everything is available . For President Bashar 've ever seen from won more personal gained popularity Yes it is Bashar , who loves all people and not hate one only who thinks hatred and sectarianism and see winning elections soon . Saw how I live in an area not fired by the bullet and no artillery and no kills someone out is a town on the Damascus 15 km why? : we are one people stainless defend himself as for the areas that destroyed are cleared completely of the population does not believe one of you that there is still alive in dangerous areas , it has become a place Doomed not live animals . destroyed areas due to the entry of terrorist gangs and digging tunnels since 2005, and the boot of the war and strife and betrayals by people fooled them . But we will come back to reconstruct this country , as happened in 1982, and thank you for reading the Post . If you want more information just send me links in order to answer questions about the transparency and unfortunately the spelling errors i tried to correct words plz no one hates me this is what really happens here and i will still play FL CF2 until syria back and after syria back all the world will judge then...salam (: peace