Posts by abba

    nice set up very expensive, to bad i have no budget like him.

    and marcusdavidus you live in the 90s lcd monitors have come a long way and are now better than crt.and i do know what i am talking is all about what you are used to play whit.

    The problem with people ripping youre stuff from a mod is that you can not do much about it"legally" even if you have copywrite on it or something.illegally there are many ways to let people know that you dissagree using youre stuff without asking.And a lot of these way`s are punnisble by law here in holland.

    just think about it.

    you have to work for the special units.the better you are the more choice you get.i think they did it this way to motivate people to get better.also you have bonus like damage reduction.what i really like if you teamplay you can kick ass.also it is possible to have 2 npc`s wich you can control. very funny.


    fhew i feel much better now.

    i have this game and it is really good. a lot of fast action and you can raid the main enemy battleship and blow up stuff inside.

    however there is a problem, i can not find a good server to play on, always a lot of lag and most of the servers are not 24/7.if i could find a good server i would play it more often.

    if you play eve online or world of warcraft or everquest wich you have to pay for every month
    they check every thing you write just like if you send a e mail or have a chat session to america in msn or something.if you have nothing to hide why worrie. :D

    nomad buster youre my faforite songwriter now, you got youre self a fan.can i have a picture with youre handwritten name on it.

    Here is an idea for trading.

    if you are in a clan you have a base(planet, station wathever).those basses need supplies wich clan members need to haul in to keep the base open.
    no supplies no docking.simple but enemy clan can trie to block youre supplie route, nice one for role playing.

    just an idea you lady`s and gent`s let me know what you think. :]

    I like the idea for better economics( longer trading missions means bigger payoff) and all the other ideas posted here.

    But if whe gonna have a active economie the server has to do a lot more data traffic and that means more lagg i think. at the moment whe already have a lot off lag so that fighting becomes almost impossible.

    my advice would be to keep it simple and figure out a way to do as much as possible without burden the server to much. :)

    i tried a couple of mod`s before i came acros crossfire,

    and i like to play this mod so much i don`t need to look for another one.

    i spend 55 hours just trading and i had a great time talking to people helping them and a lot of people helped me out too.

    I like to play with people who have the same feeling as i do so iam for a password to keep the you know what out.

    so thank you for working so hard to make a great online mod.