Posts by Yarazin


    How do I return the life pods? They only seems to sell for 1 credit.

    If I should be searcings outside the trade lanes for stuff, that is not very evident. Is there a place on this site to help me through these initial tough stages? I just want to play through the initial SP storyline and the extension this mod is supposed to have. I do not intend to play MP.

    Also, about your response. How do I fight them when they all attack me and rip through my shields and hull? My repairs items are gone within a minute. I am buying the best stuff I can find.



    Please take this as constructive.

    I have been trying to enjoy your Mod for the last two days and all I have gotten is a tummy ache from frustration.

    1. It is too hard to start. I have purchased the best fighter I can afford in New York with level 3 and 4 weapons, and I still get pasted. I cannot even get past the 1st mission you fly with Juni (in California). Our support is dead in seconds, and I soon follow.

    a. 1st couple missions. Several deaths, the enemies do too much damage and use regens too much. There is a fine line between realism and fun and this is missing it.

    b. I can understand wanting us to trade for money, a little boring in my opinion, but fine. I did that each time to get to the next level/mission (up until now where I cant survive)

    C. If I get my trade lane interrupted, its either they then run from me, or I use all my batteries, nanobots, then die. I can sometimes run away. Super fun.

    All I am suggesting, is you tone down the start ALOT. How is it fun to die over and over again on the 1st few missions?