Posts by steveuk

    Sorry tried to delete post but wont let me, if i have broken any rules please delete this post.

    Delete is anyway. sorry!

    Thought I would help out everyone, but didnt no if I could do it so or not!

    Attachments removed!
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    I have sent tickets about loosing 16million due to the server saving problem, BUT still havent had a reply or any of the money returned.

    When will this be sorted?

    As many of us have lost stuff for no fault of our own!!!

    two days ago I banked 10 million for a shield upgrade, Came on yesterday made my way to frankfurt to buy the upgrade, got it and installed, done anumber of missions to make some more money then banked another 6 million, logged off then returned later on and...... back to where I started off from 2 days ago upgrade was gone and also the money was gone too :( so I have lost 16million because of this, PLEASE PLEASE get it sorted no point in playing until its fixed.

    Hope to see you in space soon