Posts by Duplicate Don_Camillo

    i think op's 1 sugestion is god
    and about the

    systemwar only 1 system per warday shuld be possible.: declare war to 1 system the defending side get in position the atackers come in system and open

    the loser of this fight leave the system
    4,5day the clans stay to

    rest possible counterstrike-declaration,then it gos again from day2


    what i think about the fight about a system
    so 1 warday gets up to 1 week

    @ Jip the only thing why i

    declare war on chaos is ,while u dont respect my new clan and say we are a fake-clan.

    cant ignore this,if i ignore its a sign of weeknes.
    if u respect PiA as a full Clan i

    take back the private war against u and chaos :]

    @ piratep if u never say Slaver to

    me u help to get frendly whit PiA and we come a little pice closer to freedom.

    @ all

    if somebody missunderstand my post im sorry but english is not my motherlangwich, i try to

    write it so that all ppl understand it but its hard to find the right words :(

    @ DC

    and BG if we give Chaos a chance for freedom i will folow it and stop private war.


    Chaos if u stop bugging me or anny members of my Clan i will look down of a war, but be

    shure i got no problem whit a war.

    @ Darkstalker thx for your statement i be glad to

    have a help in this post,who can write better english as me :D

    freedom, a save

    galaxy and no shitt-words thats all what i want


    i never trust piratep

    while he dont know wat he say,not u jip :) .
    but i never let it be to hear we are

    lossers ore we are faker.
    i cant ignore this u must understand im no kiddy
    and i got

    a lot of discipline but there is a end.
    now its reached.

    i hate piratep for his

    words, and i will never forget all words against PiA

    its my clan and i will save his



    @ Jip i

    know the staus from sliders while the leader is my nephew!
    so i know it.

    @ piratep

    u got no respect from me [1] i respect only ppl who can i trust

    and all of this

    stuff now its a personaly thing!

    i declare war on u jip (chaos)

    i got enught

    af this shitt " PiA is a fake clan,and we are noobs in battle and all the stuff"


    let the hunting beginn [6] Down The CHAOS

    i say it a last time WE ARE NO FAKE-CLAN [1]

    and my nane is SLAYER [3] [3] [3]

    so if anyone say slaver again to me

    make me to a enemy

    and on we stay in aliance. :D

    i love it "fight in the



    1.) Jip my name is Slayer not Slaver [3]
    2.) we are no fake clan,we are a full

    3.) i have read all post's
    4.) i got no fear about a war against Chaos and

    R-39,i got never fear.
    5.) we will help to stop the f... shit whats going on here

    if u got problem whit these i cant help u
    7.) dont put us in the same box like "sliders"

    this clan is dieing and stop all activitys in CF.
    8.) u didnt talk whit a kiddy [9]


    if i create a clan i ask manny ppl whitch

    side is the weekest and all say csf.
    there was BG in asf and DC,chaos in CSF so we joined

    CSF,but i dont know whats going on in this fractions,so we come to CSF.
    so we say we are

    in CSF all say f... pirates everytime pirates.
    and this suxx so i cant hear it anny more

    and the comes the war with Chaos DC and BG so if we come in this war the clan will die

    this is absolutly not the thing i ever want.
    so i come to the point to leave CSF

    and stand alone to save the clan.

    so thats the point while we leave CSF


    the sh.. [3] in the forum and the server, i have seen whats going on there and im sad to

    see all this stuff :( .
    i wont play for fun not for cracy words and i will ever save the

    server and his mod against all ppl who want destroy the comunity.

    so thats the next

    point about the conflict whit OP and Jip,
    we gonna go in aliance whit BG and DC to save

    the gamingfun.

    thats all for now


    PiA verlässt die CSF und bleibt eigenständig als ein security-clan!

    können uns andere clans mieten um auf ein system aufzupassen aber wir sind nicht mietbar um

    ein system "anzugreifen"!

    und lest die geänderten systemregeln!

    das ist zur

    zeit alles 8)


    we leave CSF and stand alone as a

    so anny clan can rent us to secure a system but we are not rentable to

    "atack" a system!

    and read the changed systemrules!

    this is all for now 8)


    now i am confused ?(

    we are all new in cf and i ask only what's wrong
    before i create a clan i ask

    whitch side is the weekest and need reinforcement.
    thats the result of ouer joining but

    we dont know what kind of clans are aviable in csf.
    all ppl i see in space hear we are in

    csf and they awnser we are pirates so i think csf are pirates and we going pirates.

    now all are bad about! why ?(
    what options we got in csf, only pirates?
    ore is there

    a other way.
    we want fun in game thats all.

    al 4 pia members are from vienna austria :D
    and the

    rules comming if we get the ok from operator

    today all can enter and if are the rules

    out we say it and let all leave vespus 8)

    mfg slayer

    thx guys :D
    it makes me happy about so manny

    interest about us ;)
    a little think i will tell all english speaking boys and

    im the only this time who can write more then hello in english in my clan

    so take time please if somebody of my members make bad thinks and u tell him what he

    shuld do they must look in an translating book [10]

    about the clan!
    member in

    the moment 4
    system who gets rented is Vespus
    im the leader and
    we want to join

    the CSF
    the systemrules are comming at the moment we get the system

    so im happy to

    see u all in space

    make love on war :P

    mfg PiA_Slayer