Posts by chadc

    Actually, you cant...Try logging out and checking yourself. You can only read the first post in any given thread, hence I was not provided with any useful info until I registered. ergo forcing me to register to attain any information.

    You also need to work on your grammar and understanding of the English language, I said INANE not INSANE also I can barely understand anything you are saying.

    And why do you keep talking about God and Satan? are you heavily religious or something? its weird

    Regardless my intention was not to come off as hostile. I was merely stating what others have already before me and voicing my displeasure in this matter. But it would appear that this community, like most has the hive-mind mentality and anyone going against the grain must be ridiculed..Oh well.

    edit: almost forgot, I am aware that I can play with my friends on this server. But we share the same household, hence the same IP address, my prior experience tells me that this would be problematic.

    Of course there is also the matter of others possibly ruining our game play,this is also a concern. Hence why we prefer a localized network game.

    It would really help if you pointed out that you cannot create your own server on the download page..

    Some people are not looking for a open multiplay and it's inconsiderate to waste their time.


    Its absolutely absurd that I had to waste my time creating an account here just to find this out.

    Not to mention the time of my friends and I installing this mod.. You are practically asking for hostility by not telling people this right on the front page

    I have used many other mods for several other games that ran their own server and NONE of them have had this insane draconian restriction.

    No no, YOU'RE missing the point.

    If he tells people that, then you won't have to register on the forum to view all the posts in this thread explaining over and over again that the creator of this mod never learned how to share when he was in preschool. Instead he learned how to coerce all the other kids on the playground into only playing in his superior sandbox that he built, with his rules only.

    This mod looks really cool, but I refuse to play it (on the official crossfire server or otherwise) until the server files are made available. I appreciate all the time and effort that went into creating this mod as much as the next person, but for crying out loud at least open the server files up to people who donate or something.

    Yea I gotta agree with this. Its pretty childish. I want to play with my friends, not a bunch of randoms

    Oh well im not missing out on much clearly, the people that play here must be very crude judging by the admins disgusting signature. Have fun in your sandbox kids

    Edit: I also like how I had to create a account here just to view posts....So inane...