Posts by nzkiwi86

    Eureka!!! It's working.
    Ok I didn't try it yet, but now I can start a new game.
    As many said, I have to keep away from internet and waiting for the next release.
    So the launcher doesn't update and every things should be fine.
    To Spiky:
    No this is not so simple, trust me, how could you imagine to do NOT follow the install instructions written in every post saying "let the launcher update"....
    The way you did I already done that properly many times.....

    But anyway, I will try it and wait for the 1.9 release (is there any beta tester? :D )
    Ok ok I will wait.
    Thanks anyway.

    Thanks for the answers.
    I'm trying to install crossfire 1.8.2...

    Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R/

    2. you have let the launcher patch your Crossfire 1.82 game -> which is not a good idea as it patches it with CF1.9 data atm

    I heard about this version, but I believed it's not released yet, but I will try to go off-line next time.
    And yes, it downloads some files (12 or 15 I think..).
    Also didn't found a link for CF1.9....
    By the way I'm a stand alone gamer, so keeping away from internet won't be a problem.

    For SWAT_OP-R8R:
    I exciting trying this mod: 1.5GB file you're mad man! :thumbsup: CF should be a huge update on FL....
    Good luck and thanks (even I didn't try it yet)

    I will you keep in touch and tell you when it will be installed.

    Hello everybody,
    I know many thread has been written on this topic, but....
    I played FL long time ago, and I just finish the main story for the third time, I would try crossfire mod, but unfortunately I can't install it

    I already tried dozen of time EXACTLY the installation instruction on the FAQ of this website.
    And I have been on internet reading hundreds of post of this problem, still doesn't work.

    1/Delete every thing start by unistall.exe on crossfire folder then modloader 1.3.1 then FL (including all folders in c:\...good bye my saved games)
    2/Make sure I really deleted every thing (doing research files)
    3/Use Ccleaner to delete file and clean up registry
    4/restart computer
    5/Disable Aero look in windows 7 (now it look like windows 95)
    6/Follow step by step the FAQ:
    "How I install/reinstall this mod? Installation instructions:
    1. Deactivate all mods in FLMM
    2. Uninstall (Freelancer Mod Manager)
    3. Uninstall Freelancer, delete ALL ! save game data and screenshots from game folders. Is advised use system search for "Freelancer" (Freelancer use for save folders on system disk) - If you don't do this, you can not play the game.
    3b. (advised) Use some registry cleaner as is for example ccleaner and clean registry.
    4. Download and Install FLMM 1.31 (Don't use FLMM 1.4 that is Incompatible !!!)
    5. Download from portal "Download database" FRESH COPY ! of the latest Crossfire Mod (here).
    6. Run the Crossfire Installation (Install it into your FLMM mod Folder)
    7. Install Freelancer
    8. Activate Crossfire in FLMM (Be patient and don't touch anything while Activating in progress ... It is huge mod and Activation need some time !!!)
    9. Launch Freelancer (Crossfire Launcher shows up)
    10. Let the launcher do the downloads
    11. Press either "LAUNCH Crossfire singleplayer" or "LAUNCH Crossfire Multiplayer and deactivate 3D sound ingame options - Audio.
    12. Go online and enjoy :)
    7/ I enjoy the beginning scenes
    8/ And then Crash.... "freelancer.exe has stopped working..."

    I have the last solution but I don't think it will help:
    the FAQ said also:
    "The game crashes right before the Menu appears, what to do ?

    Deleting the entire folder doesn't work ? Then your case is one of the very few ones... your graphic card is too low for the mod (even if you could early play Freelancer, Crossfire has heavy graphical upgrades) OR you selected some high settings when activating the mod, and so it's recommendable that you activate the low card option when activating it, this means making a fresh install of Freelancer and choosing lower options when activating Crossfire."

    Nice! but I have a brand new graphic card of 2 GB , the option say for 128MB or lower... So I didn't try yet...
    My questions are:
    Do you thing I should give a last try with that option or did I do something wrong?
    Is Crossfire compatible with windows 7?

    When I'm running FL+CF, no other programme are running (I use task manager to check)
    I downloaded a proper copy of the mod from this website.
    I have a proper copy of Freelancer game
    (Sorry for my bad English, it's not my mother language (French))