Posts by Remy9278

    Ok so I would like to have the star wars cantina mix on my pc if at all possible, ( it is stuck in my head and if I don't hear it my head will explode) I have gone through the downloads of songs and checked all the bar tracks.....can anyone tell me if it is available for download and if so where to find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    okay i tried being nice....the server does have issues and its not just the gates and it was more than just a few whatever discovery mod does not have these issues those servers are always up and running......and when i log on to address the issue people have already reported it so i didnt see a need to add more. So once again whatever enjoy your community with only 40 people on it.......One last thing does anyone wonder why the highest downloaded mod for freelancer has the least amount of people on it?!?!? K peace out!

    the only exception was a downtime last saturday when i reinitialized the server again and sunday when we did some tests with the new mod version

    If that is the case then what about yesterday, the server may have been up but nobody could get on all day or night. I count that as downtime. If I am seeming to be a prick I am sorry I'm not trying to be........all I'm trying to say is in the last 10 days, after the server resets (midnight here), the server has been messed up one way or another 7 of those nights. It's usually fixed by morning though. The one night it was just most of the jump gates where locked and we could not go anywhere. I'm just trying to make you aware of some of the issues my friends and I have been facing, although I am sure you are already aware of them due to it being fixed by morning.

    Maaaaaan, we are having a blast playing this mod and we just want to be able to waste more of our lives playing it. :D I understand there are tests being done and that shit happens..........I also understand this is a free game that you don't have to deal with, but thanx for dealing with it :thumbsup: you are the man.

    I have only been playing the mod for a couple weeks and the server has been down at least 70% of the time. This is no joke, I am not trying to be funny I am dead serious. Also the 30% it is up it always crashes. I love the mod but the server sucks......from my experiences so far. The main hours i play is after the server resets, last week it was up only once after the server reset (maybe twice)......and it's been the same so far this week. And it's not just me.