Posts by Gafgarias

    I saw some activity on the Crossfire Server Status page this morning. (IE a message other than "server rebooting")

    Is the server coming back to life? To quote Rebecca Black, "We so excited."

    Thanks for the update OP. Sorry that things aren't going so well on the IT end of things.

    Anyone up for some competition Solitaire?

    While we're waiting on the server to come back online, I'd like to throw out some of my more awful ideas.

    Idea 1 - a ship that uses no weapons, but instead uses a 'energy battering ram' to destroy targets. It would make use of advanced targeting (as in, helps you plot a ramming course) and quick burst thrusters.
    Idea 2 - weapons that 'charge' before they fire, and fire a consistent beam of energy that would eat through a ship.
    Idea 3 - Being able to "hot-swap" shields in space in order to react to different weapons being fired at you.

    ... your turn :P


    Hi everyone - long time Freelancer player, but I'm new to Crossfire.

    I'm having the same problem described above. The game played fine yesterday, but today, "locked out."

    Let me know if there are any troubleshooting steps I should try!