Posts by Rayman

    Guys guys guys

    You've got it all wrong. I did say I will be leaving. But the other members will just be Snet back to being Freelancers again. It is all my fault that this clan went down the drian, And I apologise for it entirly. But you can't change the past... So I bid you all Farewell

    *Valcon salute * :P

    (This was Raymans last comment and he will never speak agin on this forum :P....)

    Yep, Thats right. AoD Clan is falling apart and will no longer be availble in FL or CF. So.... Firstly, sorry All AoD members and Sorry to all who took the time to visit and help the clan move forward. Some bad things have happened with me and I must never set foot in CF again.... And All other AoD members do not wish to take up leadership so therefore, No AoD clan at all.... Unless they want to be without a leader....

    Ok, We will have a chat about it and then Scar will give you the full result.


    It's ok Scar, I have it all worked out. Arrow has offered to make a Siggy for us and I have accepted, I have also given him a brief description on how it will look but as he is making it, I let him deside on the main features.

    Sorry about no privvacy stuff Mike, Haven't created you profile yet, I will send you a PM containing the details. And stop multiposting. If you have to type something new, then click edit post and type [UPDATE}/[EDIT] and then type what you want to say.

    Ok case solved all is well. Come visit ourclan and long live the Armys of darkness.

    Thank you very much... So I'm already allies with other clans already. You sure I should not still PM the leader?

    Another thing... Could you Tell me the leaders of each clan. whether the clan is ASF or CSF and if they are Cop, Merc, Smugg or Pirate. Then it'll be easier for me to make a choice on our allies.

    Hello all. Me and scar have just created a new clan.... All of which can be found in our fourm. If you wish to ask for any more info. Please just give me or Scar a call and we will sort it out. ^^

    AoD Clan fourm is here ---->

    We are a new Mercenary clan working on the side of The ASF... Thats pretty much all you need to know so far because we haven't really thought through the rest yet :/ Anyway. We shall PM Clan leaders about requests to have an alliance. Thank you very much for your time :P