• I am taking an initiative, and announcing a MW recruitment program.

    Any freelancers that wish to be a smuggler, pirate, or terrorist, gimme a PM. also, were looking for active, freindly players to add to our entourage. Any of the remaining freelancers that wish to be a member of MW, PM me.

    I am god of the sea people.

    "If you ever touch Mr.Kitty, ill put a M80 in your nutsack and blow your nuts all over your pants."- That goes for shooting at my transport too.

    MW Gonna Rule The Earth!

    or at least you.

    Charachters- [MW]-XXL-[X] [MW]-Cartman-[X]
    [MW]-10-CENT [MW]-KONIG and in development:
    [MW]The_Oak. Thats right, run and hide.

    West Coast For Life