Spamming Spree (Version 5)

There are 52 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Corynthos.

  • 4 lîdzsvarotas dzîves likumi:
    1. Negrçko ar sûdiem!
    2. Neko neuztver kâ personiskos sûdus!
    3. Neveido priekðstatus par sûdiem!
    4. Centies ikvienu darbu darît pçc iespçjas sûdîgâk!

    Sûdu bauðïi
    1. Mîli savu sûdu kâ savu tuvâko!
    2. Tev nebûs iekârot sava tuvâkâ sûdu!
    3. Sûds sûdam atdodas!
    4. Tev nebûs iekâpt savâ sûdâ!
    5. Tev nebûs iesviest sava bosa portfeli sûdâ!
    6. Tev nebûs savu sûdu iemainît pret sievas mîïâko kâmîti!
    7. Kas Edetu met, tas no sûda krît!
    8. Laiks sûdus mçtât, laiks sûdus lasît!
    9. Esi gatavs! Tavs sûds augðâmcelsies!
    10. No sûda esam tapuði, par sûdu arîdzan paliksim!

    Vçl daþi nesûdîgi sûdi:
    Tu zâìç sûdu, uz kura pats sçdi.
    Kas citam sûdu rok, pats savas laimes kalçjs.

    Daþâdi sûdi
    Dzensûdisms, sûdumazohisms.
    Latvieðu sûdîgie sakâmvârdi un izteicieni
    Savu sûdu nedzird.
    Ne viss ir sûds, kas s***d.
    Acis sûda izbijâs, rokas sûda nebijâs.
    Dalîtas bçdas pusbçdas, dalîts sûds dubultsûds.
    No sûda tu esi nâcis, par sûdu tev jâpaliek.
    Labâk zîle sûdâ, nekâ sûdi rokâ.
    Sûdu maisâ nenoslçpsi.
    Draugu iepazîst sûdos.
    Sûds sûdam acîs nelec.
    Ne viss ir sûds, kas spîd.
    Kas sûdam asti cels, ja ne pats.
    Cita sûdâ skabargu redz, bet savâ sûdâ baïíi neredz.
    Suòi rej, bet sûdi iet tâlâk.
    Jo dziïâk meþâ, jo vairâk sûdu.
    Rîta sûdam zelts mutç.
    Neskati sûdu no cepures.
    Mazs sûds gâþ lielu vezumu.
    Sûdam sûda liktenis.
    Kâds sûds, tâds saimnieks.
    Sûds zina, ko çdis.
    Kurð sûdiòð agri ceïas, agri slauka dibentiòu.
    Kâ sûds uz acs!
    Kâ sûdu piemin, tâ sûds klât.
    Sûda tçva, sûda dçla un sûda gara vârdâ âmen.
    Zvçru runât tikai sûdu un neko citu kâ sûdu.
    Sûds ir mans liecinieks.
    No tava sûda Dieva ausî.

    TV raidîjumi
    Sûdi esam, Sûds no malas, Sûdîgais pâris, Sûds online, Futûrsûds, Sûdorâma, Sûdi gan, Sûddieòi, Sûds... saldais, Telesûdiji.

    Ir sûdi ir varianti, nav sûdu nav variantu.
    Tîrâka, bet sûdîgâka sajûta.
    Ðî zobuburstîte aizsniedz arî sûdîgâkâs vietas.
    Sûds. Jo es esmu tâ vçrta.
    Sûdîgas sarunas.
    Veidosim sûdu labâku!

    Èetri balti sûdi, Cits sûds, Slepenais ekskrements, Sûdam neviens neraksta, Sûdu robeþa.

    Grâmatas, dzeja, dziesmas
    Liela brçka, mazs sûds, Sûdu ciema zçni, Atraitnes sûds, Sûdudienas Silmaèos, Jâzeps un viòa sûdi, Lolitas brînumsûds, Vinnijs Sûds un viòa draugi;
    Sûdu sûdiem tçvu zeme..., Es eju pâr sûdiem paceltu galvu..., Miglâ asaro sûds...;
    Pût, vçjiòi, dzen sûdiòu..., Kad ne sûda nav palicis tevî..., Sûdu manu, lielu sûdu, es par sûdu nebçdâju, Ai, jel manu vieglu sûdu!, Es karâ aiziedams, atstâj sûdu ðûpulî..., Sûds nâk un aiziet tâlumâ, un sâkas viss no gala..., Sûds, ar ko tu sâcies..., Kaíçns, kurð atteicâs no sûda, Uzsniga sniedziòð balts... un sûdam palika silti..., Ar sûda sajûtu miegâ, Kûko, Kûko, sûdiò!, Nekur nav tik labi kâ sûdos, Kam raudâji, ak, daiïais sûds, Ai, tu, zaïais sûds..., Kur mît mana Sûdumeita?, Starp diviem sûdiem izvçlçties mîïâko un iemîlçties..., Vislabâkie sûdi ir tie, kuros vçl nav kâpts.

    Sûdraba Edþus, Jânis Sûdrabkalns, Imants Sûdmalis.

    Limuzîns sûdu krâsâ, Ilgais ceïð sûdos, Ne sûda es neatceros, Rièard!, Ðîs sûdîgâs balkona durvis, Kâ sûdi balti padebeði iet..., Sûds tçva pagalmâ, Sûda bridçjs, Sûds upç, Zvejnieka sûds, Kad lietus un sûdi sitas logâ, Sûda sonâte, Kapteiòa Enriko sûds, Vecâ jûrnieka sûds, Melnâ sûda spîlçs, Sûds vientuïai sievietei, Pa sûdam aizejot..., Baigs sûds; 17 pavasara sûdi, Likteòa ironija jeb Vieglu sûdu!, Suòa sûds, Maskava sûdiem netic, Baltais tuksneða sûds, Sûda nogurdinâtie;Èetri tankisti un sûds, Sûdiem lîdzi, Sûds pârlaidâs pâr dzeguzes ligzdu, Ðíeïot sûdus, 9arpus sûdi, Sûds uz nekurieni, Sûda pavçlnieks.

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

    My Homepage

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature
    (" )_(" ) to help him multiply, because that's what bunnies do.

  • Now that is proper spam


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • [size=1]Spam in the place where I live (ham and pork)
    Think about nutrition, wonder what's inside it now (oh boy)
    Spam in my luchbox at work (it's the best)
    Really makes a darn good sandwhich any way you slice it at all

    If you're running low, go to the store
    Carry some money to help you buy more
    The tab is there to open the can
    The can is there to hold in the spam

    Oh, spam on the table at home (ham and pork)
    Think about selection, are there different flavors now (let's eat)
    Spam in my office at work (it's the best)
    Think about the stuff its made from, wonder if it's mystery of meat

    If you need a spoon, keep one around
    Carry a thermose to help wash it down
    Now, if there's some left, don't just throw it out
    Use it for spackle or bathroom grout, now

    Spam in my pantry at home (have some more)
    Think of expiration, better read the lable (oh boy)
    Spam breakfast, dinner, or lunch (it's the best)
    Think about how it's been precooked, wonder if I'll just eat it cold

    Now, once you start in, you can't put it down
    Don't leave it sitting or it'll turn brown
    The key is going to open the tin
    The tin is there to keep the spam in

    Oh, spam (spam)
    Ham and pork
    Think about nutrition, wonder what's inside it now (oh boy)
    Spam (spam)
    It's the best
    Really makes a darn good sandwhich any way you slice it

    Spam in the place where I live (have some more)
    Think about addiction, wonder if I'm a junkie now (let's eat)
    Spam in the place where I work (you're obsessed)
    Think about the way it's processed, wonder if it's some kind of meat

    Spam in the back of my car (ham and pork)
    Spam any place that you are (ham and pork)
    The tab is there to open the can (spam any place that you are) (ham and pork)
    The can is there to hold in the spam (spam any place that you are) (ham and pork)

    It's pink and it's oval
    I buy it at the Mobil
    It's made in Chernobyl

    Now when I was a child
    My family was so poor
    They didn't have the finer things in life to eat
    So we had a plan
    In a big blue can
    The government substitute for meat

    To get me to eat it at dinner
    They said I'd grow up like Bruce Jenner
    He was a winner that never knew defeat
    And when he got hungry
    When he got hungry
    He cracked open that special treat
    It was

    Don't you know it's my best friend
    Again and again and again[/size]

    Don't you know it's my best friend
    Again and again and again and again

    So go and forget your O-S-C-A-R
    There's one meat by-product that's best by far



    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • [size=3]The Spamgod - Spam Away [/size]

    Once upon a time we had a lot to fight for
    We had a dream, we had a spam
    Sparlks in the air spread a lot of envie
    Didnt have to care once upon a time

    Remember when I swore
    That spam was never ending
    That spam and I would never die
    Remember when I swore
    Spam had it all
    Spam had it all

    Spam away, it's time to spam
    Spammy days, are yours to keep
    Spam away, the spam is calling my name
    You will stay, i'll spam away

    Once upon a time we used to burn spams
    We had a place to call a spam
    We dream that we spammed
    We spend it undefine
    Everyday was like a spam
    Once upon a time

    Remember when I swore
    That spam was never ending
    That spam and I would never die
    Remember when spam swore
    Spam had it all
    Spam made it far

    Spam away, it's time to spam
    Spammy days are yours to spam
    Spam away, the spam is calling my name
    You will stay, I'll spam away

    No reason to post
    Funny pictures
    I`m greatfull to spam
    To spam once again
    I`m fearless to spam
    And spam to the end
    And spam to the end

    Spam away

    Spam away, it's time to spam
    Spammy days are yours to spam
    Spam away, the spam is calling my name
    You will stay, I'll spam away

    Spam away
    The spam is calling my name
    Spam away

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

    My Homepage

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature
    (" )_(" ) to help him multiply, because that's what bunnies do.

  • What's this?


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    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • I`m bored... someone else continue

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

    My Homepage

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature
    (" )_(" ) to help him multiply, because that's what bunnies do.

  • [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729] [729]
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    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game