need to hack an account

There are 14 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by pSicek.

  • i have a laptop at home which i bought from a friend who just

    got out of high school and i cant even install games on it it wont let me and he doesent

    know the admin code and i dont and it doesent even let me get to the controllers to fix


    what do i do???

    [SIZE=4][mechs mind says [all hail bunny :D ][/SIZE]

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination

    this is little moe help him do a military coup against bunny and take over his empire by posting him in ur pic

  • i would need to reformat the drive and it does not

    let me do even that

    [SIZE=4][mechs mind says [all hail bunny :D ][/SIZE]

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination

    this is little moe help him do a military coup against bunny and take over his empire by posting him in ur pic

  • do you have access to the bios?

    than boot from a windows cd,

    and there you can formate the disk (or just install over the existing


    but make sure you have all the drivers and stuff ...

    when you have no access to the bios , open the notebook and remove the

    cmos battary (not easy)

    [angel] Give me your hand and follow me into the light! [angel]

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    ICQ: 325316059
    IRC: #Bomber
    Skype: ask me

    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]

  • If I read your post correctly, your friend cannot remember the Operating systems

    Administrator password. Therefore you cannot install software, change settings and the


    It is possible to reset the Administrators password, without re-installing the

    operating system.

    Have a look



    instructions in English, and links to the tools to do it.

    If that does not work, or

    you damage something in the process, then as stated in an earlier post, boot from the

    install CD and format the drive from there, before re-installing the Operating


    If however you are locked out of the BIOS, that is a different problem with a

    different solution, just correct me if I am wrong :)

    Have Fun!!!


  • jtak gave a very interesting website and u probably will find some

    software that allows u to recover the password

    anyways, if everything fails, and

    before formatting, try this:
    just boot from a XP disk. the second time it asks about

    repairing system press R. the repairing proccess will start. the screens u can see are quite

    similar to those in the windows install proccess, but unlikely to there, all the info and

    config of ur comp will remain usable (including installed software and drivers). at the end

    u will be able to choose a new admin password and to create new (admin)users
    its very

    important that the XP version u have in the comp matches the one in the CD (u cannot repair

    an XP Pro with a XP Home disk or a XP Home with a XP Pro disk)
    mmm, and take some

    coffee... it will take an hour or so...

    good luck ;)

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

  • To Arvedui:

    I read your post with interest,

    and I would like to know if you have tried your suggestion. I have not heard of that


    I came accross an article that seemed to describe what you were suggesting at

    But if I read it

    correctly, it only allows you access to the files of the system, not reset the password


    I have used a package called L0phtCrack in the past for this problem, but I

    appear to have lost my copy of it.

    The tools on the web site I mentioned in my other

    post seem very good, and you can always ask again for help!



    Remember kids don't try this at home!

  • can u boot from

    a cd?
    download... what is it called again... special boot cd, cant remember,

    looking up...


    give it to her, she will crack


    I don't fear anything.
    [SIZE=1] - Remy Bonjasky[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=1]AMD64 X2 4200+ | 1024 RAM | 9700 GS | MSI K8N SLI Platinum, nForce4 SLI | 1,2 TB | 22"CRT | FL@1280x960x32bit@xxx fps | XP with SP2 [/SIZE]

    Freelancer Videos: [ Movie 1 ][ Movie 2 ][ Movie 3 ]

  • its

    part of my job to do that stuff and i repair 2 or 3 systems each week :) and definitevely it

    works... sometimes...

    the repair proccess is in fact a reinstall process in wich

    part of the registry (including the part regarding the installed software) is not

    its specially useful when the mainboard or any other main component of the

    computer is replaced... it allows u to keep ur old system working in the new system without

    reinstall the software or removing ur data

    its main goal is not to remove old

    passwords, but, as many other windows install process, usually ends with the "users setup"

    screen, where u can add new users (although it can vary depending on the version used and

    the users config in the previously installed OS)

    on the other hand, it is a long

    process (as long as a full reinstall of XP) and it can fail if the hardware in the comp is

    not so standard and includes some exotic drivers... (usually TV cards are problematic)

    it fails the only way is to reinstall from scratch, formatting the HD...

    for mechs

    case i think this repair is only a "last resource", to be tested only if he cannot find a

    software capable to recover the password in an easier way...

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

  • btw, to mech,

    try this


    the program in that web allows u to create a linux boot cd capable to read NTFS

    partitions and to change users passwords (or at least to remove them)

    its a bit

    complex to use if u have no experience with linux, but u can found a "how to use" section in

    the same website

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

  • To Arvedui,

    Sorry if I am being pedantic, but does that

    allow you to reset the admin password as well?

    If so, very useful information, thank

    you for that.

    Geek Control Out!

  • mmm, the repair process most times doesnt allows to reset admin

    password i think... anyways, i think also in some comps it could allow... usually the best

    admin password for most computer owners is no password at all, so i usually dont care too

    much about the admin password screen during repair/reinstall (u know, the nextnextnext

    syndrome) :rolleyes:

    the program i pointed in the other post allows to reset any

    users password, including admin

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

  • lol


    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

  • Winternals Erd Commander does the trick! It's a hell of a software for such issues. Just burn the CD and boot from it. You have a locksmith there and it allows to modify administrator password too 8) But you can sure get a "illegal" copy somewhere ;)

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.