Advice about openning a Paypal account

There are 4 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by RGHawk2000.

  • Hello


    I dont know if this is the place to post this but I need some advice. A friend

    of mine who move to live in the USA own some money to me becuase Ive been helping him here

    with some money problems with his family. He needs to tranfer monthly payments to me. WHen

    he transfer the money from USA to Venezuela I get my local currency which are Bolivares

    instead of Dollars. Due to my country currency exchange policy, it is really difficult to

    get dollars up to ceratin amount. So I want to keep the dollars my friend send instead of

    exchanging by transfer. Therefore I could use that money to buy stuff in the internet plus

    other thing outside my country such starting my clan and get my clan system [10]

    Anyway, lets go to the point. How safe is paypal to get an account where I can

    transfer the money there so I coud use it in the internet??? Ive been reading about paypal

    for a while and some scary stories came up. The other option is to open an account in the

    states but I dont like the idea...

    Any help would be




    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • LOL, RG I will let you know about Pay-pal as soon

    as everything goes through. Just started a pal-pal account to rent a system. From what I

    read, Pal-pal is a very secure site. Then again, I am in the USA.

    Honour and Integrity

  • not that i have a pay-pal. But i know a thing or

    two about security. If your browser supports it enable the security license check. Allways

    check if the connection is encrypted. Install a tool to erase your cookies, history and temp

    files. Never store passwords on your HDD.

    I personally have a pc with internet and a

    pc without :)

    Rank + Codename: Captain Blade
    Wing: Dragon Wing
    Organization + Leader: DragonCorps - DC_Hägar

  • I use to have paypal when I played JUmpGate

    long time ago. Either way, to do the real job of getting and tranfer the money, they always

    ask you for your credit card to check or verify the account. Otherwise, your options are

    limited. As for the password I never let window to use the reminder option. I just dont

    trust windows behavior neither firefox in these cases. I rather rely on my own mind


    However, my question was oriented to anyone experience on security reason not to

    get paypal cause what I read in the internet is pretty scary sometimes. Plus I want to know

    if anyone is use to the process to get money into your paypal account so you could use that

    money later in the internet.

    Thank for you advice and info guys. Please, anything new

    you could would be appreciated.


    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it