Dark Phoenix hires Merces and Traders

  • You have a Train?

    You look for Profits?

    We grant you an Income based on a fixed basic Wage per Hour and additional to that a certain Profit per Train delivered to our Clan Base in Sigma 17.

    Interested? Then call us in Game! You can also leave a Message here or via Chat and we make an appointment when we meet in Space.

    We tell you what to buy and we know where to get it.

    Additional to that you get special Conditions from our Weapons Store[color=#AFEEEE].

    "There is no connection between truth and politics." Londo Mollari (Centauri Ambassador) londo.jpg

    Dark Phoenix Clan introduction: link
    Sigma 17 Rules: link
    DP Recruiting Office: link

    Events, Eventmanagers: link
    Event Rules: link