Best ship

  • :wissenschaftler: Well I hope this isn't a dead subject.You can debate this subject till you get sick of it but here I go.I've been playing CF for a while now.Joined SA.Think I made the rank of Lt. today.I'll find out later.But the best ship is the ship you go to for most missions.The ship that looks good to you and you think every other pilot thinks looks good to them.the ship who's PvP agility is the most impressive to you.and so on.So the best ship is what ship is best in you opinion.I think the Cayman is the best ship for PvP but that is my opinion.The F-190 Malice is one of the best for Most if not all NCP combat.What is the best ship for trade? What is the best ship for PvE ? Best BS,Destroyer,gunboat ?I is what you think and what works for you.

    Nuf Said,BANDIT :bandit:

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