About CF black hole in Inner Core

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Husker.

  • I would love it, some new things in next Mod version :love:

    Delete Liberty BS from the Mod? ?(
    ..ok, its fun, nogo :)


    PLEASE, movable and destroyable Asteroides! PLEASE! All Asteroids, big and little, and Xeno Asteroids in Omicron Systems also. Allows better BS play.
    Because in reall life, in space, if such BIG BS fly in Asteroid field, then do asteroids moving. Such BS have very high mass. Higher then a little asteroid. BS would not stuck in real life in fields.
    Thnx :)

    And the Black Hole is totaly wrong. Yes, i do understand, this is just a game, and i m sorry. But in realaty, the ring on Black Hole, is a very hot plasma and very fast moving Matter. This ring is like a whetstone. All ships, which move to this ring, they wear out in the ring.
    But in game this is radiation, which do our ships damage. Its ok also.

    Better BS - CR - GB Shields? + Bats and Bots in BS? Easyer docking for BS? BS can dock on Stations also in real life. Why not in game?


    Edited once, last by Martind Forlon: moved post and created new thread ().

  • And the Black Hole is totaly wrong. Yes, i do understand, this is just a game, and i m sorry. But in realaty, the ring on Black Hole, is a very hot plasma and very fast moving Matter

    some have acceleration ring, some do not have ... a black hole in the Milky Way does not have the acceleration ring.

    All other questions/sugestions are answered in the previous posts.

  • some have acceleration ring, some do not have ... a black hole in the Milky Way does not have the acceleration ring.

    All other questions/sugestions are answered in the previous posts.

    But our Black Hole have 2 jets, up and down! ;) Thats mean, that this Black Hole do get Matter, "Food" :P And how to get Matter in to the BH, if no Matter in Ring? ?(
    Black Holes without Matter Rings, did for a long time ago "eated" theyre matter, and are so.. uhmm.. not dead, but they do sleep. And dont have Jets, up and down. Wait for the next "food". Correct? :)

  • Yeah, w8ing to be alive again...RL zombie BH.
    Jets in CF BH have orgin from DK stations. :)

    Once i dock on DK intergalactic gate,,heh long story,, (GMG provide me anti-radiation shield for my ship,,heh long story,,)

  • Yeah, w8ing to be alive again...RL zombie BH.
    Jets in CF BH have orgin from DK stations. :)

    LoL .. No, sorry :D Jets mean, to much matter / energy, which do the BH catapult in to the space. And this can be happen just / only, if BH get "Food" / Matter! And DK stations on BH do NOT give matter to BH, but they do EAT / Takes energy from BH ;) That do means, BH lose permanent Energy, and dont get new Food / Matter. And now, please, how can do spuck this BH 2 jets in to the space? :P

    And with "dead" or "sleep" i did means, that this BH ( and our in our Milky Way also), did bevor, a long time ago, Milliards of years, destroyd / eated / absorbs all matter in his (her) range, and is done with destroying. No more matter in range. And when no more matter, then no more Jets. This BH is Sleep. Wait for new Matter. Because can be, in some milliards years comes some Star or Planet in to the gravity range of BH and then do BH again begins absorbs Matter / destroy this Planet / Star.. and then comes again 2 jets, up and down from BH.

    Do u know, what is this "Black Hole"? 8). (i can tell u first, this is not Zombie ;) )

    Edited once, last by Vor: error ().

  • way way OFFOFFTOPIC (sry mods...rly these few post deserve to be deleted)

    star explode = nucleus of star colapse in black hole eg. star die and become zombie/space monster etc etc (zombie eat live ppl lol)

    term "zombie" for a black hole use leading physicists aka Steven H. ...

    my data from GMG operatives in Iner Core say:
    Somehow DK race use "Information loss paradox" to extract energy for Intergalctic travel from black hole..

    my apologies for offtopic again! iam out. its rly stupid discussion rofl



    mr.Vor negetive dowrating (-4):
    Deep SPace Sience is not Stupid. Sorry, but if cant more discussion, then say it, but not spam and insult. Thnx.

    no offense m8, i only think this thread is not place for dissusion about black holes...as a my friend Mike said:


    PS: And this while you are spamming with weird off topic posts in the CF
    2.0 Preview thread, for which you've already been downrated by others.

    and he is right about that.

    Deep Space is my hobby in RL ;) sci fi nerd

    yeah we got brand new thread for BLACK HOLE disscussion....yeah!!!! now we can talk...

    Edited 4 times, last by Husker: editing and apologies ().