Full Spectrum Warrior PC Ships

  • THQ has announced that

    Full Spectrum Warrior for PC has shipped to retail in N. America. The PC version is expected

    to feature improved graphics and new bonus missions and the gameplay which made the XBox

    version such a success.

    Based On A Training Aid Developed For The U.S. Army, Full

    Spectrum Warrior is a squad-based real-time combat game that allows players to experience

    the intensity and gritty realism of urban combat warfare. As Squad Leader, take command and

    coordinate the actions of two infantry squads (Alpha and Bravo) leading them through a

    hostile urban warzone.

    The successful Squad Leader effectively uses cover in the

    environment and moves his fire teams in a coordinated fashion so they can protect themselves

    from possible attacks that could come from any direction. An intuitive control system allows

    you to control up to eight soldiers in real-time as you outthink and outgun enemies through

    over 11 levels of intense combat.

    Featuring advanced A.I., your squad will act like a

    highly trained infantry unit with team members reactively responding to situations based

    on combat training and taking the appropriate formations based on combat situations. Learn

    and implement authentic combat tactics, battling enemies with an explosive arsenal of

    authentic weaponry and


    Official Site