Milkshape 3D Latest Build Compatabile CMP Plugins

There are 2 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by BlackWing.

  • Extract all of these files into the root of your milkshape 3d directory, run program, click import then click Freelancer CMP Importer not Freelancer CMP Importer V2.7.
    Select CMP file then select the Mat file then extract all textures to tga, now close down the milkshape 3d program and restart it but this time click import then Freelancer CMP Importer v2.7.
    Select previous CMP file, now mod the texture files for the model you extracted from previously in photoshop or another graphical editor then back in milkshape 3d click the Materials tab and replace each part of the ship with its corresponding texture.
    Then carry on tweaking your ship then simply click export then Freelancer CMP and make sure you uncheck under Prompts>Overwrite CMP file and Mat file and to load your modded ship in Freelancer once you have finished all the CMP tweaking using HardCMP open the shiparch ini file under the Ships directory, search for the name of your ship then change the directory and file names pertaining to your CMP model file and individual Mat file.
    Now boot up Freelancer select the ship and away you go.
    Enjoy and happy modding.;)

    Current System
    Tagan BZ Series 800 Watt Power Supply Unit,
    AsRock P55 Pro/USB3 Motherboard,
    Antec full ATX tower case,
    Tranquillo CPU Cooler,
    Intel Core i3 530@4.00Ghz.:D
    8GB of DDR3,
    SATA Samsung HD753LJ 750GB Hard drive,
    SATA Samsung HD501LJ 500GB Hard drive,
    XFX ATI Radeon 5870 with Arctic Cooler GPU cooler.

    Edited once, last by BlackWing: update ().

  • Might want to add that if you are just doing this for yourself then it's all very nice. If you still want to keep the original model and textures seperate so you have two different versions, then you will need to rename every part of the model with a custom name in the group section in MS, plus custom names for all the textures. Be advised that any animation sections will have to be added in manually as well.

    Using TGA textures is all very well but these days DDS is the way to go, vastly smaller file sizes and noticeable improvement in game. I just remade Mancers ship pack number 5 with DDS textures only, so much better. TGA is old skool and a resource hog, no need for them

  • Personal preference and it runs just fine on my system also, I have a backup Freelancer installation so editing files isn't a problem but thanks for the tips anyway.
    I will probably re edit my current mod with dds files when I reach beta.:)

    Current System
    Tagan BZ Series 800 Watt Power Supply Unit,
    AsRock P55 Pro/USB3 Motherboard,
    Antec full ATX tower case,
    Tranquillo CPU Cooler,
    Intel Core i3 530@4.00Ghz.:D
    8GB of DDR3,
    SATA Samsung HD753LJ 750GB Hard drive,
    SATA Samsung HD501LJ 500GB Hard drive,
    XFX ATI Radeon 5870 with Arctic Cooler GPU cooler.