Coalition rouges Coalition Space

There are 2 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Cresthen.

  • Ok so I bought this awesome game long time ago and I figure I try out this new mod since I like the game so much. What is making me mad is the AI enemies. In particular the Coalition Rogues, the
    Dom Kavash, and the Confederated Strike Force are pissing me off. Right now I am in coalition space trying to get a new ship and guns to beat the Ancient drones. As soon as I undock I get hit by 6 Coalition rogues. I mean really. I am at a friendly base with a bunch of coalition ships flying around. I bride my coalition status all the way up. I do not know what to do. Also, when I encounter a Dom Kavash a few hits from their ships and I am toast. I just bought a Thanatos and have lvl 10 shields of both types and lvl 9 of the other type. With lvl10 armor and shield boaster.


  • old trick=> take mission in bar and when u undock all white like babys buttocks!!!

    gl m8 hf

  • or just keep pressing nanobots like in a fit of epilepsy, the drop more than enough for you to refill when they die