A or B? teh funn0r

There are 6,754 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by The Original.

  • What's that ? :)


    Transgression or high treason

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • wrath

    weird or mysterious

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • Mysterious

    Kaleidoscope or Telescope

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Let's take a blast to the Moon baby ^^

    Watching or Staring

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Jack Bauer
    Let's take a blast to the Moon baby ^^

    hehe, just give me a ship :)

    step or giant step

  • Well it's the beginning of Godsmack - Moon Baby :)


    Heartless or Souless

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Well you picked the correct answer, cause we all have hearts *proven fact ^^*, while souls :)

    PC all the way

    Sedate or stun

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • By force (or Force)

    Lightsaber or Blaster?

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr

  • Sith, always.

    Lightning or Choke? hehe

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr

  • Ryzune I will have to teach you the way of the Jedi

    *Since it's the game and I have to pick one* Lightning

    Heal or Protection

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."

    Protection :P

    Green saber or Blue saber?

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr

  • Ah don't preach to me about the codes, cause my memory is just about as bad as a guy with Alzheimer in advanced stages ^^

    Blue saber - of the Jedi Guardiands

    Force Push or Force Pull

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Pull (onto my red saber)

    Sacrifice, or live to fight another day? :P

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr