A or B? teh funn0r

There are 6,754 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by The Original.

  • Shark

    Flounder or Halibut? :D

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • Windows

    Oldsmobile or Popemobile? :P

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • mmm...Popemoblie :D

    oh btw, here is a joke i picked of from a friend, here is how it goes:

    1 day a pope was in his car with his chauffeur driving.
    the pope had the wierd idea to drive so he told his chauffeur to pull over. he asked his chauffeur to drive the car, but the chauffeur said "hmm maybe u shouldnt drive, r u sure u know how to?". "yes im quite sure, besides, how hard can it be?". so the chauffeur got out of the drivers seat and sat in the back, while the pope got into the front seat.
    the pope started to drive off, but instead of driving the speed limit, he drove really fast and was speeding alot ( ^^ ). they eventually ran by a police car, who then chased the pope's car. the pope stoped and got pulled over. the cop got out of his car and walked up to the pope's car. the offices looked atthe pope for a second, then said " ill be right back ". the officer walked back to his car. he turned to his assistant and said "i think there is some1 very important in that car". the assistant says, " who is it?" , officer replies with "im not sure, but it has to be some1 very important". "well who is , like a movie star or something?", says the assistant. officer says, "no it has to be some1 more important". "who could it be a president?" the officer say "no im not sure if it is a president". the assistant responds "well comn who could this person be?" the officer finnaly says "well im not sure who it is, but whoever it is has the pope as thier chauffeur".

    EDIT: oops...this was meant for Lost Heavens post, sry ^^

  • Hehehe ^^.

    Odd pair of choices...uh, wee?

    Strange or unique?

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • opaque

    new or reliable?

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • Very good, but no question :D.

    To post, or not to post?

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • 8)

    :P or ;) ?

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D: