Halo 2 Will Have Free Clan Support

  • Bungie have taken the extreme step of officially announcing that Halo 2 will have free clan support, as part of the XBox Live service. The game's developers have taken this unusual step in order to end speculation, created by an article in a website which was later retracted. The company statement has a rather aggressive and scathing tone, suggesting that Bungie felt offended by the insinuation, the full statement reads as follows:

    A website has recently reported, then retracted a story claiming that Microsoft would charge for Halo 2 clan support. Not only was the story nonsense, but the subsequent retraction and admission of falsehood was beneath contempt, blaming, in effect, reader gullibility for its own deception.

    We don't normally address rumors one way or the other, but this one was so ill-conceived and mean spirited that we felt it necessary to cut it off at the pass. Halo 2 clan content will be a normal aspect of the Xbox Live service, and will incur no extra costs for the user. Sigh.