Help X-3043

There are 6 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Drakon.

  • I have problem with the mod I am playing Single Player Missions and I have found the jump hole to Alaska and I wanted to go to X-3043 system but every time I enter the jump gate Freelancer crashes pls help

  • deactivate 3d sound in main audio options menu

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Huor Súrion
    deactivate 3d sound in main audio options menu

    I have try that but it still crashes

  • reinstall, make sure you remove everything and start fresh. delete any previous folders associated with FL.

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.
    [85] [731]

  • ... and saved games before you install Crossfire.

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • I had experienced game crashes in SP in X too. Just dont enter X till you've finished all SP missions or play open SP. That worked for me.

  • You don't have delete everything permanently though. Put any saved game files and such into a copied folder with a changed name. The game will not recognize the folder and leave it alone - none of the files you put inside will effect the mod. Then delete the originals to make sure they don't interfere with the functioning of the mod. Since Crossfire can be a time-consuming mod to install or uninstall (mind you, very much worth the patience), this same technique can be applied to the entire FL folder if you want to be able to switch back to vanilla or play other mods from time to time without having to go through the long, conventional process. :)

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D: