planet nibiru

There are 4 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Ryleous Arkane (SA_ORION).

  • It's an "pseudoscientific planetary object" , pseudo for being "half science, half fiction".

    Personally, i have no proof of the existense of this planet, and, we can check Wikipedia:

    Refer [URL=,_astrology_and_ufology]ONE[/URL]

    Refer [URL=,_astrology_and_ufology#Planets_proposed_by_Zecharia_Sitchin]TWO[/URL]

    So, well, i do not think so (but that's only my opinion)

  • Given discoveries of dwarf planets in the Solar System, it might be more sensible to not make any changes at all. Ceres is a good example - a dwarf planet located between Mars and Jupiter. Counting Pluto, aren't there something like four known dwarf planets in Sol at the moment? Rather awkward situation really one way or the other. It would appear that planets are rather numerous in our relative backyard. Trouble is there's really no telling how many planets there are in a typical star system, and if we're pretty average a dozen is sure a lot more than the typical FL system. If changes were desired to improve realism perhaps it would be better to err more towards removing Pluto and Charon, lending the notion that dwarf planets exist throughout the CF universe but are not charted. Whatever works though. Things seem rather fine the way the are really, but it's an interesting topic all the same. ^^

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • Quote

    Given discoveries of dwarf planets in the Solar System, it might be more sensible to not make any changes at all. Ceres is a good example - a dwarf planet located between Mars and Jupiter. Counting Pluto, aren't there something like four known dwarf planets in Sol at the moment? Rather awkward situation really one way or the other. It would appear that planets are rather numerous in our relative backyard. Trouble is there's really no telling how many planets there are in a typical star system, and if we're pretty average a dozen is sure a lot more than the typical FL system. If changes were desired to improve [SIZE=3]realism [/SIZE] perhaps it would be better to err more towards removing Pluto and Charon, lending the notion that dwarf planets exist throughout the CF universe but are not charted. Whatever works though. Things seem rather fine the way the are really, but it's an interesting topic all the same. ^^

    Ive been waiting for that word to pop up for so long

    What about making Sol bigger with adding the dwarf planets

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Cronik

    Ive been waiting for that word to pop up for so long

    What about making Sol bigger with adding the dwarf planets

    I'm distinctly remembering OP saying some things in the past about making a Freelancer system so large... One of the reasons right now is that in the Sol system, one phenomen you can witness out near Pluto and the fringes of the system is that ships shake pretty badly.(which I guess it not that big of a deal) This "clears up" the closer you get towards the sun though. He's also stated that if you fly too far out in such a large system, sometimes at random the ship will mysteriously be destroyed as well. That is a serious bug that will need to be addressed. For some reason OP has yet to figure those quirks of the Freelancer engine out to my knowledge. So... I'd say until OP solves those two riddles, Sol being any bigger is out of the question.