launcher downloads

There are 12 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by burro.

  • I was wondering how many files must i download, i got up to File 200 but I wa wondering how many i must dl

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  • It takes a long time - a lot more than 200 I think. Once it's done though from that point on you'll never need to download more than 8 files before launching again. :D

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
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  • Hello, seems i have some problems downloading the updates.I get the "Crossfire Update not found ... only Singleplayer available [E4]" message. For the start i have a clean Win Xp SP2 install (just installed it 3 days ago) and a fresh Fl intall(didn't installed Fl for more then 1 year, and i formated few times my HDDs).
    I read the guide, did all of that, knew the stepts from old times but and it worked before. So, it's installed corectly. Then i tryed to set up the firewall, added exception, added the UDP, nothing worked. I even unistalled the firewall.
    Any ideeas what i could do to fix this?
    PS: I hope i posted this to the right place, if not, plz excuse me, haven't been here for more then 1 year and things changed a litle.

  • try pinging server - if it works, u should try deselecting read-only attribute on entire fl directory contents, and flmm too (deselect all attributes, just to b sure).

    if that doesn't help, try making vanilla fl list available servers. if u see cf server on vanilla fl, then install cf mod, and try it again. if should work.

    if it doesn't, u either have a corrupt cf mod (download new copy just to b sure, and try it again), flmm is not doing it job properly (not probable) or ur firewall blocks cf launcher (could b).

    of course, before all of this, u should try using 1.7a patch. but i think u have done it already.

    We sit together,
    The mountain and I,
    Until only the mountain remains.

    - Li Po

  • well the question was answered like a century ago so might aswell lock :P

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  • There was no thread for my problem, but this one will do.

    Launcher worked as normal. Went to FL screen. Chose "internet connection", then PC stays on"downloading Crossfire files". This operation usually takes less than 1 minute, but this time no luck. Tried 2 times waited 30 minutes each time still no luck.

    Is anyone else having this problem? Do I need to do a clean reinstall?

    Thx in advance :)

    Yes Burros Do Bite.

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  • well, m8, it works for me... it must b ur client then. have fun reinstalling. :D

    We sit together,
    The mountain and I,
    Until only the mountain remains.

    - Li Po