My Ship in Dock

Comments 2

  • what ship is this and where can I get it?


    • This is the A-9FX HUNTER mate :) :)

      found at

      Campos Station ( Ageria ) - Tarsus Sector in X-3043

      Bit low on Armor 8,100

      but on it's first trip into Altair in Vokutha I killed a DomKavash Gunboat with it, made another one run from me, I chased it caught up with it re-engaged it and even though it was not me that finished it off, the cargo was mine and I got my first Dom Kavask annihilator gun from the run away Gunboat.

      it's a great ship & I only had six guns 4 of which were lvl 10 Mk 2 from wrecks in Sirius

      if you dock any sector in X and many other places in Sirius there are tons of really great ships to choose from.

      and then or even before you see them all check out Altair.

      Good flying & see you in CF mate :) :)