Basilisk Alley

The Imperial Guard is a faction of more or less normal humans in the horror filled world that is Warhammer 40k. Their basic gun and body armor are just as effective as a flashlight and a T-shirt in comparison to other factions, while being superior to modern equipment.
But they got lots of armor to back them up. Pillars of Guard tracked vehicles are Chimera (Infantry transport), Leman Russ (Main battle tank, also present on the picture) and Baneblade (Superheavy tank). There's also the Sentinel, but it is a scout walker (but has its uses too).
Basilisk Artillery Gun is one of the most prized Guard vehicles. It is built on Chimera chassis and armed with a Earthshaker Cannon (which sometimes is called Basilisk as well), a long-ranged artillery howitzer. In Dawn of War they have an ability to fire off a superpowered shell.