CoP - Artifact Hunt

The burned village on Zaton - North of Skadovsk - is one of the nearest places where artifacts can be found. The village itself is infested by fire anomalies, but the caverns underneath also have a couple of chemical and a ton of gravitational ones (as well as a Comet flying inside).
Artifacts are usually invisible, but detectors (In the character's left hand - in this case "Veles" detector, shows the location of the artifact with a green spot on the screen) can spot them. Artifact becomes visible on approach. Detector can be held along with a bolt, knife or a pistol.
Meanwhile, bolt is used as an anomaly detector - throwing it into desired direction to determine a safe route.
P.S. That artifact was "Eye". It is radioactive but improves wound closing.

Comments 1

  • P.P.S. And later I sold that artifact to Beard for 18k.