Warrior ambush

Comments 10

  • nuthin can stop me now, me and my big mouth :D

    • Aside from cruise disruptors (full gunboat wing says hi, ditto lack of CMs). Also I thought I was the only person on this server insane enough to ever use this ship. (I'd know these 130/130 anywhere)

    • Yep, it's a very good ship very fast, very powerful and I love the 130/130 , But could be more agile , and the cargo could be bigger. But overall it's a GRATE shop :)

    • That being said, next time you venture into IC grab an Adv. CM dropper. In addition, Cer'lor Emitter is mismatched with the rest of your guns (grab another gat or WSP) due to different projectile speed.

    • yeah, i know it's a bit of a mismatched with my guns. But i got the Cer'lor Emitter of the Sentinel when i was back in Venn, then i had to go all the way to Weth, avoiding everyone because if i get shot down i'll lose it. when i got to Weth and docked, first, i had a gattling in it's place i sold the gat and docked the Cer'lor Emitter because i didn't wont to lose it. a gat i can just buy anther one. But for this ID i want a full set of Warror guns. also do CM dropper work ive used them before but i didn't see what there did ?

    • Countermeasures can divert incoming missiles, including cruise disruptors. If you turn the dropper on (highlighted green in the list) it will not only drop flares on LMB, but also each time a missile is locked on your ship. There is a probability that it won't work, but here you need every chance, and with a good scanner you can avoid unwanted encounters at a longer range.