Savage 2-Here

One more Friendly Savage watching my back

Comments 6

  • Something is a little off here.

    • if you think it might be the aim of his guns they are spot on he is fighting his savage m8s...if something else does not look right to you, tell me what you think is not right and I will explain as best I can.

    • It just looks weird is all.

    • ok. the look..Hope its not illegal or something but the original screenshot is a BMP too big to upload so 1. I saved it as a JPeG and also the colour was a bit washed out so 2. I adjusted it , that made the characters jump out a bit....also this shot I enhanced colour a few extra times ... that emphasised the gunfire and the characters popped out even more....Other than that it is a straight screenshot from CF FL . As I said before hope this is not a problem. The original looks ok but .... in the game they look great somehow when they save the colour does not seem to stay. Sorry if this is bit long & excuse typos if any. See u m8:)

    • To bright, MY EYESSSS !!!!!!!! :D

    • ....... :) :)